new book : wonwoo ff

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hello munchkins , this is author-nom :))))))

so first off, thank you all for taking time to read this crappy book (this is my first so I'm sooo sorry if it sucks, i'll do better) 

so now, to prove to y'all i'll try my best to do better, I'm starting a new book on wonwoo (bc why not, this qt is my bias wrecker #StopWonwoo2015

the new book is called: masks (( wonwoo ff ))

y'all can check it out if y'all have time :))

and don't worry, this book isn't going to end, there's still a a few more chapters to go, idont know (i might just add a twist and then a whole lot of chapters will come up) so do anticipate! bc I'm going on a trip and when i come back it should be around christmas, if I'm feeling the author god in me calling, i'll write the next chapter  for this book (probably will )

thanks for all the love once again!!!!

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