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The Shadowlands. The Old Hag. These dark thoughts flashed in my fear-consumed mind as I felt a pressure on my chest. Against all my instincts, I opened my eyes and saw a dark figure sitting on me. Rapid breathing. My heart beating faster and faster. This is the kind of sleep syndrome where you feel someone sitting on you; you become completely paralysed. My world became blurry; I slipped in and out of conciousnes. Hallucination. Dark figures looming; they start to wander around the room. The dark finger placed its hands on my neck. Noone to come to my help; I was completely alone. I told myself again and again that this was not real; but this dark, evil spirit dominated my mind and the thoughts he held within its walls. I believed it was there and it then, therefore, was real. An immense sensation of fear I experienced started to dominate my body. After what seemed like a few hours (which, in actual fact was 2 minutes), the dark figure left the room. I was freed of the paralysis, the fear. Then shakingly, in the most disoriented manner, my mouth produced a distorted sound, some kind that resembled a scream.


As the door burst open, Gina was already by my bedside. I retreated to a corner of my bed and placed my head between my knees and hands, trying to depend solely on myslef, to fend off the evil dark figure that although no longer wandered around in the room, still wandered around in my mind. A few of the 7 Seas members rushed in, shocked and the mentally disoriented state I was in. Seventeen members followed, all equally shocked. Minghao tumbled on top of the bed, soothing me and eventually, unable to keep up with defending myself, I collasped into his warm embrace. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry for today; it's all going to be okay winter..." I whimpered in contrast to my screaming and crying, consoled by his soothing words. He stroked my hair and buried his face in my head, drawing me closer to him. Everyone left the room, leaving me well protected behind the strong, protective walls of Minghao's embrace. I cuddled closer to him; our legs entangled and our arms intwined with each other, like how pieces of a puzzle fitted each other perfectly. His head rested comfortably on my head and giving him a kiss on his slender, pale neck, I fell back to sleep; this time, a lot nicer than the last.

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