Chapter 14

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Hey Hey!!! look who wanted to show up! hey there guys i'm back . So weird right? Anyways lets directly hop into the story.

"Yes?" He asked. My god his voice is so thick. So sexy.

I was speechless. I couldn't even say anything. My mind got blank. I didn't know what to say. My eyes wandered everywhere except where he was standing. I looked at my hand. Then an idea popped my mind.

"Oh" I laughed nervously. "I think you left this" and motioned towards the glass of wine.

He smirked as if he knew my lie.

"Sorry love not mine and I don't really care. Who the f*** are you anyways? "

My lacrimal glands were starting to tear up. How can he be so rude? I looked at him with teary eyes and I saw his face soften.

Words were not coming out from my lips so with an angry face so I turned my heels and flew off the stairs.

How can he be so mean? He could at least without being rude say that it's not his. Why did he have to say that he doesn't care? I remember his exact words: SORRY LOVE NOT MINE AND I DON'T REALLY CARE. He's so full of himself. Maybe I shouldn't have persuaded him. Or maybe I'm just over reacting. Argh, I don't know.

You were right Peyton. He's capable of breaking any girl's heart in seconds.

The room was becoming too hot for me. My body was in desperate need of fresh air. So I push past these horny sweaty bodies and made my way out the doors.

Once I got out, I felt so light. There and then I promised myself that I would never go any clubs.

I felt so low of myself. Has he got no manners? Is that the way to talk to a girl? I saw a bench in front of me and sat down.

My eyes roamed around the surrounding to where I could see gobs of couples snogging like their life depended on it. Some were looking at each other's eyes like they truly love each other. Oh, well. Fuck my life.

I sat down for what it felt like ages. I felt really sleepy. My eyelids were slowly getting closed.


I ran towards that girl whose name was I suppose Hunter or something. I got to know her name by reading her mind. I felt kind of bad for her so I thought of talking to her. I could also see that she really likes and adores me.

I's be damned if she was not the same girl who was following me like a lost puppy in the music shop. To be honest she's kind of sexy that's why I was trying to find her.

But where did she go. I couldn't find her. On the way there were many girls throwing themselves at me. I thought screw that girl, I should have fun here.

After a hardcore make out session and some threesome I got tired. I've always loved three's magic. I mean how can you not like fucking two girls at a time? It's like buy one get one free offer.

I wanted to get some fresh air. I went outside. It was getting pretty late. I saw a bench and went to sit. Sometimes threesome gets really tiring, I tell you.

After sitting there for a while, I noticed there was someone else sitting there too. As it was night time I couldn't see that person clearly so I went near it.

Oh, it is the same hunter girl. She was sleeping so innocently. She looked cute while sleeping.

She stirred in her sleep. She then slowly moved her head and opened her eyes ever so slowly. She looked everywhere, it looked like she was panicking. Then she saw me sitting at the other corner of the bench.

"Uhh, excuse me but can you tell me what time is it?" she looked frantically stood up. Maybe she got late or something.

"It's 10:38 I suppose." Once I said, she squinted her eyes a little to get a good look of me.

"What in the...... hell!"


An Untold Story (A Harry Styles Fan~Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt