Chapter 7

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After i asked about her family she let out a huge sigh . " There's nothing great about my family . My mom and dad are always abroad handling their business or whatever  ,  not that i really care about and my sister , the librarian ? " I nodded for her that i knew " her name's lara . I pretty much live here with lara and harry . Although harry is not always in home as he should be  "

Before i got to ask the reason why isn't he home that often , moll bet me up " So . as you see ,  the door to your left is my parents , then the other room after that are for guests  " After reaching the end of the corridor she said " and this my friend is Harry's room although he's not here currently . " I found a hint of mischieviousness while she spoke .  I reckon she's plotting something against my back  but i don't know what though . " Oh " was all i said while she turned away from the corridor after saying to get back to her room . 

Don't even ask why but i had this sudden interest in peeking how harry's room would be like . The way molly teased me back in that hell (high school) and the way she speaks about harry infront of me , i don't have the slightest idea why she is doing so . Curiousity always gets the best of me so i took small steps backward and saw that the midnight blue coloured door was slightly opened . I wanted to see how his room would be like , is he messy kind of person , you know teenage boys nowadays never clean their room and all that shit . Or he is the neat one .

Molly said that he had not yet arrived so taking a peek would'nt do any harm i thought . I glanced back at moll who was blabbering probably thinking that i was right behind her .Withoot futher delay , i immediately glanced through the small crack and i couldn't believe what i saw . Pfft , i'm exagerrating it but i saw a male figure sitting calmly in a chair and workig on his computer . He was sitting by facing his back infront of me . 'Oh so he has computer table straight from the entrance of the room' i thought . I didn't fail to notice he has dark brown coloured curly mop of hair . I actually don't like guys having curly hair . I like it spiky straight  . While i was going to take my gaze off of him , as if on cue he suddenly turned his head towards the door and before he could see me i in super inhuman speed sprinted towards moll . 

My heart was beating like crazy as if i had done a serious crime . Molly didn't notice me glancing at harry's room so it was a good thing i thought . But what if he had seen me ? what if he thinks i'm a creep ? These kind of thoughts were invading my cerebrum . Why should i care anyways , i dont even know how he looks and he also doesn't know me so that should not be a problem . I don't think he saw me . I don't think . 

heeya!! i know it's short but cope with me please . After i get 200 views i'll be updating another chapter again . I feel like people are not reading it and i feel like a complete idiot wtiting the story . just 11 reads to go for another update . 

VOTE , COMMENT AND SHARE!!!! then i'll luv yuh guys till eternity :)

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