Chapter 8

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HERE YOU GO........

So , here i am laying down in my bed with my little sister , pearl of 8 years by my side while i'm carassing her hair and staring up at my ceiling . It's so amazing , i mean life is so amazing  , no one knows what's gonna happen in their future and what will it lead you to be .

Who in the craziest nightmare had thought that i would be spending three years of high school in london . And on top of that i have changed a hell lot from before . If you ask any student from my manchester school that i would be changing this much then they would without any doubt laugh at your face . But i guess this is how life is . It is unpridictable yet so fascinating . 

After i told her about my dramatic life story , i thought moll will start befriending me but instead of doing so she just chuckled and told me that I am so naïve to think such a ruthless thing. She then told me that the change that I brought was really going to be fruitful for me.

My eyes were starting to get all watery when she joked about how I should switch back to my old clothes . This is why I love her so much in the first day of meeting her . She makes me feel happy in less than a second while a second before that I wanted to cry my eyes out . She understands me so well .

As I’m thinking about stuffs , I couldn’t forget to think about and shudder at the small incident that happened less than 3 hours ago . Moll said that her brother was not there in the house while he was present in his room . May be she too didn’t know but I didn’t see him coming . Guess he came while we were in moll’s room . I shrugged and concluded that it would be better if I give myself little time to relax and sleep . I sweetly asked pearl to go back to her room cause her angel wants to sleep . Yeah , she still calls me angel and I like to keep it that way . Still Prada name sounds foreign to me . My new name is suitable for me in school premises only . 

My eyelids started to feel heavy and were about to close , I heard Union J’s song Beethoven blasting throngh my phone . I groaned and lazily got up to check who is calling me . The screen was flashing Hunter . I swiped the phone screen to the right and automatically got greeted with the chirpy yet cute voice of my bestie .

" Hey , angel " she cooed through her phone with excitement evident in her voice . 

“Hey , yourself Hun” I had decided to name hunter  , Hun  . so I always call her Hun .

“OMG, you know what? I bet you are gonna be so happy after hearing this “She paused for a second or two after she again spoke “ ummm , but never mind “ Ughh this girl , I hate her so much right now . I hate when people are about to say something and they suddenly think of not saying . If they were not intending to say then why did they even bring that up ? It literally annoys the crap out of me. One of the thing I hate the most.

“Come on , don’t be like that. You know how much I hate it . Please please tell me “ I begged

“Awww my poor baby , I know that but you will see that by yourself very very soon . “ While I was about to whine a little more , I heard her a male voice coming from the background .

“ Angel , please don’t get mad at me , but I needa go my obnoxious brother plus your crazy lover seems to have a problem . If he finds that I was talking to you , he will strangle me to death for not letting him talk to you . Ok ok goodnite baby girl , love you “ By saying that in a single breathe she hurridly ended the call , I could’nt even reply back .

 Jack , hunter’s one year elder brother is really cute and all but not my type . Because of him me and hunter met and we've been best friends since then . 

Anyways , why did she call me this late to tell nothing ? I bet there's something going on in that little mousy brain of hers . She resembles like a cute and talkative mouse to me . I smiled at that thought and went to a deep slumber . 

Thanks for reading :) I promise you guys that the chapters will be longer and interesting . 


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