chapter 5 part 2

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 Literally im soo sorry..... :'( :'( After i uploaded part one of chapter 5 my dad took my laptop telling that i'm not studying at all . I just got my laptop now and im super fast writing this chapter.... Apologies apologies 

After seeing its Natalie who called my name, i waved at her. She plastered that sweet smile of her's and mouthed bye and waved. I just did the same and signeled to "Call me Maybe " from my hands . If i'm not wrong she mouthed "silly girl" and climbed that metal death trap.I carried my legs towards Molly.

It seemed like Moll was sad for something but after i approched near, her face was relaxed and smile lit her face.

"Oh, you came.I thought you wouldn't make it. She stated with a low voice. 

"Moll , after all you called me right ? So , why did you think i wouldn't come ? I couln't just ditch you that easily " I replied to her with a wink . 

After that suddenly she started to laugh . I knew she would do that.  just made a fool out of myself with my own intension . I just wanted to cheer her up.

" Hahahha Prady your wink is just so..... hahahhahaha just soo inappropriate and funny hahahhahaha.. " Then again she continued to laugh her carrots off . 

Oh, just so  you know, I cannot really wink . I dont really know how to wink properly actually. When i tend to wink my  both eyes close . So, it looks like i blinked my eyes really hard and fast. I hope you get the drill.

I rolled my eyes and said " Yaya,  whatever makes you sleep at night Molly Polly" I then laughed with her. 

" So , hop in then " she said digging into her pant's pocket to take the keys out.

"Moll say you didn't just made a nick name for me ..... Argh!! seriously? Polly  That's the best you could come up with ?? " I did a little pout just to give emphasis on my point . 

" Awwww is my little Polly boo pouting ? How sweet is that " was all she said before sticking her tongue out . " And on that note you already made a nick name of mine and that also Moll ? " She stated the ovious with a straight face . 

"Atleast my real name doesn't rhyme with the stupidest name Polly " i again rolled my eyes after saying this .

" Ok ok the Queen of England you win .........but still i am calling you Polly " She then smirked . 

I thought it would be better not to argue any further . So , i hopped in the front seat of THE GREAT 2014 BLACK RANGE ROVER . After i got in, i sniffed my nose a bit longer . Yummm the smell of this car is just so adorable and i want to eat all of this smell . I mentally slapped myself for thinking like this.

Then the car roared back to life.

" You're really lucky Moll " i said to her . 

"Oh , is that so ? haha dont joke about me like that " After pausing for some seconds she again opened her mouth . "And why are you saying the best joke of this planet ? Wait , no... Of this whole universe actually ? " I mentally laughed for what she said . Oh , wait what did i just say ? Mentally laughed? Really ? Can we even mentally laugh ? God , me and my stupidity. I nodded my head.

I saw Molly trying to hide a laugh . I dont know why ? Did i just said that a bit loud ? God , i never know what's up with me.

Oh , what was she saying ? Right i know. "Because you've got a kick ass car ? Duh!!"

"This car? Anyways thanks for the compliment but sorry to burst your bubble, it ain't mine "

If this car is not hers then whose was it ?

As if she could read my mind , she answered , " Remember i told you back then about my brother? Ringed any bell ? It's his." Oh , so it's her brother's car. If his car smells this tasty just think how good does her brother smells .I would sniff him the whole time. I stopped myself before my mind could think any further . I think i need a yoga class to control my mind . I dont know , this mind drifts wherever and whenever it wants . 

"What's you brother's name again ? " i asked her . I know she hasn't told me his name but ,  i didn't wanted to sound desperate . 

"His name's Harry , Harry Styles . And just with that the engine died and the car was infront a big manison.

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