Chapter 13

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Let's get this thing started. Shall we??

Peyton was so angry by now that i could practically see fumes coming out of her ears. Stranger, i mean Harry was also doing the same. Without uttering a word he spat on the floor looking at Peyton and stormed out out of the store. Everyone were looking at his direction. By everyone I mean me, hunter, Peyton.

“Wow, what was that? " Hunter came by my side and asked her cousin with confusion written all over her face. Peyton’s lips were now in a thin line. I shook my head. She could not make her answer so i tried. 

“Do you guys have some sort of past with each other?” This caught her attention. I knew this sort of question would trigger her mind. She suddenly looked into my eyes very intensely. I had to admit that she looked kind of scary at this point.

“That bastard used to be my best friend years ago. He knew something that I didn’t and didn’t even bother to tell me. He’s a fucking freak for god’s sake! I'm fucking warning you two, never, ever be near him and talk to him or whatsoever." By this time she was more like pleading. She was now whispering loudly so that only we could hear “Believe me you don't want that guy anywhere near you. He's a twat, bastard, needle dick, scumbag, manwhore, mooch, douc-" 

“Whoa whoa, slow down girlie. We promise to never get near him. “I interrupted before she could say all the insulting words in this world. She nodded her head with authority.

“But he is so hot, how can you tell not to talk to him?” Guess who whined? Yeah, you are absolutely right. The whiny twat was none other than Hunter.

Peyton and I both narrowed our eyes towards her and rolled it at the same time. Hunter grunted unladylike and said, “Whatever.”

“Okay then I better go. Mom should be home by now.” I awkwardly smiled not wanting to make things anymore awkward.

Hunter’s POV

God that was one hell of a situation I just got to see. What’s with Peyton anyways? She said that Harry was her best friend long time ago but how come did she never mention about him? She is like another best friend after angel. Our age difference is only a year so I should’ve known. Neither did she get a call from him nor did she called Harry. I have never seen him anywhere. If they were that close then she had to mention his name but she never really did.

All this situation is so confusing. My head’s starting to hurt now. Promising myself not to overthink I decided to let it go.

Today I was staying at Peyton’s house meaning in my aunts. Peyton is my mom’s sister’s daughter. So we are very close with each other and similar age is a bonus.

After Angel said she wanted to go home, we hugged each other and said our goodbyes. We are going to meet tomorrow anyways.

An Untold Story (A Harry Styles Fan~Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن