Chapter 6

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Okay , i know you all hate me , i kind of hate myself too for taking ages when i said it would take lilke 20 days.....things sort of popped up in my life and yeah .... you know the rest... i'll be updating frequently as possible now xoxo

After the engine died , my pupil extended to it's paramount and my jaw abuted the floor would be an understatement when i saw the effing massive mansion . " Unbuckle your seatbelt , we dont wanna stay inside the car " After a long dramatic pregnant pause she smirkingly said " Now would we ? " She saw the amusement in my face after seeing the mansion . so she's taunting me for that . I'll get you for that Molly but don't know when .

" It's not that everyday i get to see hulk like mansion , but minus the unattractiveness of hulk " I smiled enviously to her .

I finished unbuckling the seatbelt , jumped off the black range rover that exclusively belonged to Harry Styles . I'm feeling so foreign about this specific name , i don't know why though . It's just so uniquely different , never heard styles as a surname , and if you ask me ' styles ' very well suits with his name ' harry '. His name and surname combines so smoothly and nicely like a nutella....? . Oh godie god , i might get headache for thiking so much when there is nothing to think about . So , i quickly retained that thought inside the back side of my brain .

Ok , now where an i ? Oh , right ! In moll's mansion and not to mention harry's too and the librarian's too right and their family's ? Ugh ,nevermind . After sighing slowly i focoused where i was for real this time .

There was a massive black gate in the front . After Moll pressed the red button in the remote from her perfectly manicured fingers , the gate slowly unlatched and OH MY..... there's a huge fountain pool inside . Don't get me wrong , I've had a fountain pool in my home back in manchester but this ? It's colossal and alluringly water is sprunging out in different heart melting patterns . The perks of being enormously wealthy , i thought inside my head .

Okay , incase you didn't know . I have this really bad habit of strongly disliking my life when i don't get what i like and it's not helping my situation where i am now . I know i'm never having this fountain pool or the mansion itself . But hopefully if get a really really nice paying job then i could make the exact mansion like this . But that really off the league now so i really should stop describing it's beauty . I don't want to get depressed for stuffs like these for a very long time so i might as not well gawk at it's beautiful aura inside and outside the maison .

" Earth to Prada , prada to earth . If you are just going to gawk from outside then i'll be going inside okay ? Don't tell me that i didn't bring you inside " I was in such a awe that i again forgot molly was here the whole time besides me .

" No shitting here . I'm coming with you " I grinned to her like a five year old child who just got excited and all pumped up when he hears he's going to disneyland while she just rolled her eyes and started to walk inside .

There's a huge hall with exquisite leather couches joined in such a way that 's forming a semi ~ circle . Infront of the couch , attached to the wall is a huge slim tv . The walls are pale yellow colour and to enhance the colour of walls , a bright cream coloured carpet is sprawled all over . At the right side of the hall there lies a modern kitchen just like mine with its aisle and whatever things that should be there in a kitchen . To the left hand side of the hall there is a wooden stairs that leads upto the first and second floor . I will not feel shamed by admitting that i am seriously awestruck by the beauty of this house . I mean come on , i've never in my life seen this kind of house . It's so so to the power infinite times different than other houses here . It looks so antique and modern at the same time .

Moll goes up to the kitchen and starts searching i don't know what in the fridge .Popping her head out of the fridge she says " Make yourself at home polly , and are you hungry or thirsty ? wanna have something cause im very hungry . " I then sat in one of the leather couches and as in cue i hear my stomach grumble in a very unlady like way . Then it shoot me that i hadnn't had my lunch today . I was feeling like all my energy were draining . " Umm , sure i would love to " I replied back to her .

I sat there for about a minute or two talking to my bestie Hunter from Manchester . Yup she's a girl and her name is Hunter . After hearing moll calling me from the kitchen we hung up the phone saying we really missed each other and promised her to call her as soon as possible . Moll showed up in the hall or rather i should say living room with a large tray in her hand containing two plates of spagetti and two glasses of black liquid which i reckon coke and told me to move to her room . After finishing the snacks she told me that she would be showing her house to me as i adored it very much . Her room was cute with blue and white enveloping her whole room . It was cute i must say . The spagetti was too pretty good . Out of no where i saw her staring at me for merely three seconds maximum . I asked her if there was anything on my face but she said no . I was gobbling my spagetti like a maniac and finished it pretty fast . I dont know what crawled up her ass , after taking one forkfull of spagetti in her mouth she said she was hungry no more .

I felt quite strange but i let that pass away . That happens sometimes when we don't feel like eating even if we're hungry . But , luckily it has never happened to me anyways haha . She excuesed herself by saying that she neede to change into her comfy pj 's and went to the bathroom .

After she went i felt kind of dizzy . I dont know why was that but i felt like all the engrgy i had mustered after eating , all drained away . Feeling very weird about my body i called Molly if she's dont yet. After a second she appeared looking fresh as ever .

She then smiled sweetly to me and said , " Okay , time to go for a house tour and then we could listen to your story " Oh crap i'd literally forgotton that .

We got up and started walking out of her room .

" So , tell me about your family moll . "

I'm again sorry but now dont worry , i'll be updating as fast as i can . Harry's presense will be there shortly. Stay strong and fight for what you deserve cause life is too short for only complaining XOXO

An Untold Story (A Harry Styles Fan~Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora