Chapter 11

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Prada's POV

God, I’m feeling so tired. Instead of feeling fresh and energetic after sleeping, I tend to be its exact opposite, every single time. I groaned and slowly got out of the bed.

I remembered Hunter has come. It automatically made me happy and excited. But where is she? I heard some noise coming from the bathroom. It probably is Hunter, obviously.

“Hunter? You there?” I asked pounding the door.

“Yup, hold on a second.” She replied back.

Until she comes I might as well cook something because I’ve not eaten anything since morning and neither has she.

I made my way back to the kitchen downstairs and thought of making banana shake and chocolate chip pancakes. I and kitchen are never in good terms. So, I won’t be shocked if something goes wrong. But, OH WELL!

While I was slicing the bananas, I heard Hun’s footsteps nearing me. She plopped herself in the chair near me lazily.

“It was my uncle. He said that Peyton works in the music shop named ‘music’s my soul’ or something until 6 pm. So, got to meet her before that.” She took an apple from the aisle and without washing it, started eating. Dirty Girl!

“Alright, that shop’s commonly called MMS. I could take you there afterwards, in case you get lost of something.” I joked.

“Yeah yeah, sure “She didn’t forget to lace sarcasm in her voice.

We both cooked together. It was very fun, Spilling eggs in the counter, throwing flour and chocolate syrup at each other. The funniest thing was when Hun got chocolate syrup in her toes and after debating with herself for a while, she licked it. OMG! This girl. That was the most hilarious thing my eyes have ever seen. What a sight to watch. God this girl is so dirty and careless. That’s why she is my bestest friend I guess. I was too not innocent in that act, Licked my arms, and some strands of hair too. What? I couldn’t let the yummy chocolate syrup go out to waste.

Food was quite eatable I must say, we then parted our ways to take shower. I showered in my bathroom while she went to guest room’s bathroom.

It was already 4 ‘o clock while we got ourselves completely clean. I changed into greyish white skinny pants and Argentina’s jersey. My hair was still damp so I let it loose. Hunter was wearing denim shorts and Brazil’s eye disturbing ‘yellow’ jersey. Its world cup time so better get in mood otherwise you’d have to wait for freaking four years!

I locked the door and took my sunglasses out and wore it. It is very very hot which is rare in England.

“God, even I should’ve worn shorts. Jeggings are boiling me from inside. “I stated to ramble.

“Whatever, I don’t care as long as I’m not feeling hot as you are. “

“You bitch! “ I then started walking faster than her. I’m sure she’s going to say sorry. Let the countdown begin. 5…4….3….2….1 – “I’m shaww-owi “She laced her arm in mine and started to make puppy face.

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