Chapter 2 - Mystery Man

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She babbled on about him telling me facts -Yes, Ciara is a belieber, me on the other hand isn't. - and how hot he was, in the middle of our conversation i fell asleep......I guess Justin Bieber Bored me......

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap - Back to the Story!*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~

Chapter 2.

My mom came upstairs and woke us up in the morning - like 8 in the morning, too early if you ask me. - we had to take turns in the shower. I decided to go first - since it was my shower LMAO - I washed my hair body then i hopped out and changed into a pair of denim daisy dukes with a black floral pattern on the ends of them and a black tank top.

  I brushed through my hair and decided to leave it down. While Ciara was in the shower i blow dried and straightned it.

  While Ciara was blow drying her hair I decided to watch TV. I turned on MTV news - I have to keep up with the latest gossip :L - Something came up about Justin Bieber - What a Shocker -  Ciara asked me to hire the volume up, I did. Of course I would have gotten hit if i didn't. Ciara's very violent when she wants to be

                                                             What the TV said. :L

 Justin Bieber was Reported to be seen in Dublin Airport in Ireland, early yesterday morning. He spoke about taking a break soon in an interview a few weeks ago. He also informed us that he would most likely go to a place he hasn't been in in a while, or has never been in, period. He has no concerts scheduled in Ireland so we think that this is the Country that he will be taking his break in......In other news....

UGH! That boy seriously irritates me!

All of a sudden Ciara was jumping up and down screaming, " OMB! JUSTIN FRIGGIN BIEBER IS IN IRELAND! HE IN DUBLIN! ALICE! WE'RE IN DUBLIN!! OMB! OMB! OMB!" she kept squealing, quite annoying if you ask me - she probably burst my ear drum, Ciara is VERY loud. Why does most of the girls in the world react to him liek this? Like c'mon he's just a person? Who can sing, dance and who's cute...kinda.

"Ciara, Calm down! He'll probably only see the inside of his hotel room! It won't matter anyways...we're goin camping, Remember? In...uh Wicklow....And YES you HAVE to come! I am not - I repeat - not going camping alone, well with my family...C'mon Ciara we're the only sane ones!" She stopped squealing and looked at me. " I WANT to go camping, I probably wouldn't even see him if we weren't going camping, So...." she trailed off. I smiled. "See...This is why i love you!" I exclaimed and jumped and and gave her a hug.

The car drive was an hour long - again we talked about random stuff, and she wouldn't shut up about Justin Beaver- Oops I mean Bieber :L After a While she did, But lemmie tell you it toke a VERY long while for her to shut up about him. After about an hour passed we arrived at 'Hidden Valley' I thought we were camping in the wilderness, like ruffin' it in the wood and stuff...But boy was I wrong! It was like a resort, on One side of the river there was a reception with a big lake infront of it were you could go kiaking and stuff...the there was lodge cabin around the lake - which you could rent - around the lake but the last one ( closest to the river ) was bathrooms and showers. Then there was a bridge that went over the river, which leads to a HUGE field, were everyone was supposed to set up their tents. at the end there was two stalls, One sold Chips, Hot dogs, Sanwhiches, Rolls...etc and the other one sold Smoothies, Cotton Candy, Crisps....basically sweets. Beside the two stalls was a gate which lead into a playground for kids and a Hill which people could have a picnic on.

Me and Ciara looked at each other excitedly, and we both screamed "AHHH, THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN!" and i meant it. Some people were giving us funny looks, others stared and some even glared. I didn't care though. I decided to be smug. " Why don't you all take a picture? It will last longer!". I said it loud enough for everyone to hear. But one guy, who was standing with his two friends actually toke a picture. I shock my head in disbelief. I couldn't even see his face...Weird. I was gonna tell him it was a figure of speech but my mom interrupted me by shouting, "ALICE! GET YOU BUTT OVER HERE AND TAKE YOUR TENT" Ugh..I have to make my own tent...This may take a while."I DON'T WANT TO BUT I GUESS I COULD TAKE IT!" i shouted back. No one bothered to look, I'd just come up with a rude or cheeky comment to say to them. Of course the guy who toke the picture of me was still staring at me. " Thought you toke a picture?" I said while walking away. I went over and got my tent, and it was REALLY heavy, No I'm not being a Drama Queen tents CAN be heavy, Besides this is like a proper tent. I struggled but got it to a empty spot.

Me and Ciara was sharing a tent, Our tent had 3 rooms one was like the....uh Porch? then 2 little rooms on the side, which we could sleep on. We each had our own bedroom...

There was no rooms for another tent to fit next to ours, so my Mom's and Dad's tent was across the field and Amber's was a few tent down from ours. Our tent was next to the river. While I was walking, I noticed...him. " Oh, no" i muttered. Ciara looked up and followed my gaze. Her eyes widened.

                      ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*To be Continued*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

       It's not who you think it is...


"Just ignore him, Alice" she assured me that everything was gonna be A-Okay.

We tried to put out tent up but failed miserably. He noticed out struggle and decided to come over and help us...I guess. This was gonna be awkward

"Hey, Alice......."


Hey Guys <3 Eimear Here :D

Sorry if I make like little mistakes N'al, Okay? I'm trying to fix them all but I probably won't get EVERY single one. Okay Dokey? just sayin'

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Okay so i have this idea that I'm goin to dedicate a chapter to a random fan of mine...I think its a wonderful idea, of course it is I CAME UP WITH IT!

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