Chapter 11 - Wakey, Wakey!

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Okay, I want 5 vote AND 5 Comments then I'll upload again. STRAIGHT away this time. Kay?:)


"I gave her that hickey." Justin chuckled.

"No you didn't." I interjected.

"Uh..Yeah i did."I shook my head. "I did. While they were watching Scream. That's probably why they couldn't hear you moaning." He winked. Everyone had their mouths open like a 'o' watching us. I blushed bright red. Ciara eyes widened.


"no, He's not." I said coldly.

"Then why did you blush? AND it explains why you came out of the room with the scarf around your neck." She explained to me and herself.

"I-" I tried to think of something, But i couldn't. Oh brother, Look what Bieber's done now.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chapter 11.

Alice's P.O.V

The rest of the night was kinda awkward, For me anyways. Justin told EVERYONE that he had me moaning. MOANING! I'm supposed to be a Hater. I'm SUPPOSED to hate him. Wait. No, Scratch that. I AM a hater. I smiled to myself.

I suppose he was only getting me back...And I gotta hand it to him, it was pretty sneaky.

I was first to wake up in the morning. I know! I'm shocked too. I was gonna make myself some breakfast til an idea popped in my head. I grinned evilly.

Let's give my dear friends a wake up call, AND video tape it!

I toke my phone out and faced it towards myself. Then i clicked Record.

"Hey Guys!" I chirped. "My name is Alice and I've decided to amuse you all! No need to thank me." I chuckled. "So...Last night I was on a sleepover and my dear friends over here..." I pointed the camera towards them." ..Were being mean to me." I pouted. " Hold on, Lemmie introduce you to them!" I chimed. "They won't talk because they're asleep." I  whispered since I was closer to them. I pointed the camera towards Justin. "Him, right here, Is Justin Bieber." I rolled my eyes. "but you all probably know that right?" I pointed the camera towards Chris. "Him, He's christian Beadles, Doesn't he look cute when he's sleeping?" I chuckled. I pointed the camera towards Ryan. "This is Ryan Butler." I pointed the camera towards Ciara. "This, Ladies and Gentleman is the most wonderful person in the WHOLE entire world, My best friend Ciara Davidson." I smiled. "Then there's me Alice Evans. " *I winked.

"So..It's Wow. 7am. Why am I awakes? I have no idea. But I'm lonely so let's wake these idiots up! No offence is your watching this guys..." I added. "Wait! Idea!" I chimed. "Let's prank them all first." I exclaimed. "Okay, I SUCK at pranks, HEY! I'm  a first time Prank-ie. Gimmie a break." I chuckled. "Okay, so Justin first." I walked over towards Justin. "Let's um..." I saw his phone and snatched it. "Okay, This is probably illegal;." I chuckled. "But Who cares!? Hey, what can I say? I'm a Rebel." I giggled. "Rules are made to be Broken, Right?" I added. I rolled my eyes. "Justin's a douche, He's still logged into Twitter." I gasped. "Let's send everyone a message." I exclaimed.

@AliceEvans is the most Beautiful, Talented girl I've EVER met. she's Great AND Has more Swag than me! #AliceTheAwsomest.

"There, EVERYONE CHECK TWITTER!" I whisper yelled after i tweeted it. "Okay, Who's the heaviest sleeper? Proabably Ryan. I muttered. I opened Ciara's make-up. "Okay, this will kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Not that i like killing birds....SHUTUP! it's an expression!" I whined. "Anywhoo..This is Ciara's make-up and it's gonna go on Ryan's face." I explained and soon after I smeared it ALL over Ryan's face. He didn't even twitch. "Uh..Let's put Ciara's bra in the freezer too" I giggled. I ran into the kitchen and stuck her bra in the freezer. "I'll take it out in an hour." I chuckled. "okay, So Chris now...Hmm what to do?"I got cream from the kitchen." This is a classic." I chuckled. I squirted some on his hand, then got a feather and tickled his nose. He smashed his hand into his face and I burst out laughing. EVERYONE woke up and stared at me.

"Oh, Well. There goes my plan." I said into the camera.

"W-what happened?" Chris asked groggily, with cream all over his face, It's a good thing that boy is cute.

"Sorry Guys! Sorry you didn't get to see my wake these douchebag's up! But you saw me prank them all!" I chuckled. They all narrowed their eyes on me. "Well..Kinda, I suck at pranking." I chuckled.

"Pfft. Oh Well. At least you got to see this pretty face." I motioned towards myself.

"Awweh! You think my face is cute?" Justin asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Justin, I was talking about myself." I said in a 'Duh' tone. "Well..Anyways, Bye guys!"I chirped.

"Dude, You got a laptop i could use?" I asked Justin.

"Yeah, In one of the bedrooms."I stood up and so did he.

"Stay." I told him. " We don't want ANOTHER replay of last night." I explained.

"I'll be goo." He said with a pleading look.

"Yeah, But I can't guarantee i will!" I whispered in his ear, making him shiver. I smirked. TAKE THAT BITCH!

"That's my problem." He agrued. I shrugged. "Fine."

We  went in the bedroom and lay on the bed beside eachother. I plugged my my phone into the laptop and uploaded the video on Youtube. I smirked. The guys watched it.

"You called me a douchebag!?" Justin exclamied.

"you were logged in on Twitter." I shrugged."It's kinda a stupid move."

"I'm hungry." I whined.

"Good for you." Justin said.

"Could you make me something?" I pouted. He shook his head.

"Nah, I don't think i will." He chuckled. I inched closer to him.

"Please?" I asked again.

"Still no Alice."I leaned in as if I was about to kiss him.

"Please?" I breathed against his lips.

"Uh...S-sure." He stuttered. I smirked. He leaned forwards and i turned my head so his lips landed on my cheek. He pouted.

"No fair." He said while crossing his arms. I giggled.

"Sorry, you already knew I was a tease. You should have seen it coming." I shrugged.

"Anywhoo.Let's go! So you can make me some breakfast. Yiou already said you would." I reminded him. He sighed.

I knew I won this time. >:D


Well that was a Short and Crappy Chapter. I'm dissapointed in myself. :/

Jeez. That was Real Crappy. Like Seriously -.-


Dont' Forget to..



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Au Revoir!

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