Chapter 24 - Why are you apologising?

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Hola! Sorry haven't uploaded in like...a while, Well it's wasn't That long of a while, Like what? A week. Sorry!

Been pretty busy :L

Uh...OH YEAH! I uploaded the video of my singing on youtube!:D

I'll put it like over there >>> So if you wanna watch it just click play;D

I've got a story for you guys too! Wanna listen? then read.

Okay So yesterday I was talking to my friend, And I was like 'I REALLY wanna learn to play guitar, But my mom won't put me in lesson's. ' And ym friend was like 'Oh, I learned over the internet.' I was liked'Oh, Really? Maybe I should do that then...'

so, I got a guitar, I thought I'd get it, Learn some chords then BAM I'd know a song.

No, This isn't the case. It's easier Said than done. It's REALLY Awkward!

I told my OTHER friend today that I got a guitar and that I suck and she thinks I'm gonna quit! It annoys me SO much. Like Seriosuly? It's been a daym Of course I'm gonna suck.

NO ONE - I repeat - NO ONE has faith in me!

Like Seriosuly? -.-



Me and Justin hopped in bed, He pulled me closer and put his arm around my waist. I didn't stop him. I'm friggin' freezing! Like yano the feeling when you first get in you're bed, You're all cold? My point, exactly.

I buried my face in his chest and drifted off to sleep.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*

Chapter 24.

Alice's P.O.V

I woke up around noon, Justin was still asleep. Guess I'm stuck here....Yeah, As if.

I shook up. "Justin, Wake up. I'm hungry." I told him.

"Go away." He mumble, And turned over, opposite of me.

"Justin!" I whined.

"No." He grumbled.

"Fine, I'm just gonna make-out with Christian to pass time." No answer.

"CHRISTIAN!" I yelled. Justin turned over, facing me with his eyes closed, Still.

"YEAH!?" Chris yelled while walking into the room.

"Justin won;t get up, So I was wondering if you wanted to make-out to pass time?" I suggested. Total lie. I'm not a Slut, Jeez!

"Sure!" He said happily. He leaned in, Justin's grip got tighter around my waist and he pulled my closer, making Christian miss my lips. He tossed me over the other side of him, FAR away from Christian. I giggled.

"Is wittle Justy wusty Jealous?" I asked in a baby tone. He shook his head.and stared at me. Is there something on my face...?

"What are you staring at?" I mumbled. He shrugged.

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