Chapter 36 - Meeting the Family

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I know, I know. I havent uploaded in FOREVER.

Had exams...Blah, blah, blah.  Here goes nothing... ENJOY!



I stepped off the plane in Canada, Ontario. The cold air whipping across my face making me nose and cheeks go red. I hadn't realised that it would be this cold. Justin had warned me but I just back-chatted him like I usually do. He was right this time, but id never admit that aloud to him. I didn't even bring a friggin' coat for Christs sake! Just a light jumper.

Only me,Justin, Ciara, Ryan and well Pattie came to Canada, but Ciara will be staying with Ryan and his family, leaving me to share a room with Justin. Alone. Oh, the joy.

I'm kidding, Justin isn't actually that bad, I mean he's gonna help me with my kid and it isn't even his responsibility.

We walked into the airport to be surrounded with Justin's  family. Ryan and Ciara wandered off to look for Ryans family, leaving me alone with Justin's. They have got to stop doing that.

It was slightly awkward. Slightly? It was VERY awkward. Justin hugged his dad while Pattie hugged her parents leaving me standing there like an idiot. I don't blame them or anything, I mean they probably haven't seen their family in ages...

Justin turned to introduce me, causing everyones attention to shift to me. Their jaws dropped once they saw my rounded belly. Yes, I still say belly. Leave me alone.

"Justin you never told me you got a girl pregnant!" his dad exclaimed. Pattie opened her mouth to say something but Justin cut her off.

"Surprise?" he shrugged while smiling sheepishly. My eyes narrowed. He's not.... He isn't pretending it's his, to his own family, right? Me and Pattie exchanged looks. We both shook out heads, agreeing that he shouldn't lie to his family.

"Justin, no. Family know the truth." she told him sternly. I nodded my head in agreement, backing her up. Justin groaned loudly causing me to giggle.

"Truth?" Justin's dad asked.

"Later." Pattie muttered. He nodded slowly.

" Hi I'm Jeremy, Justin's dad and this is my wife, Erin." he told me. "These are my kids, Jazmyn and Jaxon." he motioned toward the little girl gripping on to one of his legs, looking at me curiously and to the little baby in the pram that his wife was holding. I flashed them both a smile  before continuing.

"Nice to meet you, I'm-" I got cut off.

"Alice, I know. We've heard a lot about you. Justin doesn't stop talking about you." Jeremy smiled.

"Okay dad, you can stop now." Justin muttered his cheeks going pale pink. I smirked and pinched his cheek.

"All good I hope." I chirped.

"This is my grandparents, Diane and Bruce." he motioned toward the elderly couple that stood before us.

"Nice to meet you." I grinned.

"Likewise." Diane smiled welcomingly.

So far, I think it's going pretty good, if I do say so myself.

"Enough chit-chat, shall we go?" Pattie suggested. We nodded and we all piled up into the cars. Me, Justin and Pattie carpooled with Justin's grandparents, Jeremy said he'd follow us to Bruce and Diane's house, so he would catch up. Obviously...

There was easy conversation in the car, Bruce and Diane didn't ask any questions about my pregnancy, which I'm thankful for. They probably think I'm some slut who can't close her legs and who doesn't even know who the father is. Of course, I knew who the father was and my legs weren't opened willingly.  Everyone is bound to ask questions and I'll have no choice but to answer them. it's Justin's family, I can trust them, right? Do I trust Justin? Yes. Do i trust Pattie? Of course. So why shouldn't i trust their family? It'll all turn out okay, it's always does.


Once we reached the house, we decided to put our bags up to our rooms.

"How long are we staying here?" I asked.

"A couple of days, a week or two at most." he told me.

"Ah, I see.." I replied.

"Shall we?" he asked in a British accent, holding his arm out waiting for me to link mine with his.

"We shall." I giggled.

We skipped downstairs and threw ourselves on the couch laughing loudly.

"Okay, so what's going on?" Jeremy urged. Our laughs quieted down and a frown was replaced on my face.

"Um...Uh...well," I stuttered. Justin rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Its okay, I'll tell them." Pattie smiled.

" Thanks." I whispered, not trusting my voice.

"Alice was raped." Pattie murmured to her family. Gasps filled the room.

"Poor child." Diane whispered to herself. I looked up and gave them all a sad smile.

"Who?" Erin. Jeremy's wife asked.

"My Ex..I met him while I was camping with my family and he started telling me how he wanted me back and I started yelling at him for everything he has done to me...I guess he didn't like it very much." I whispered the last part.

"Everything he has done to you?" Pattie asked confused. I cringed. I hadn't told Pattie that he used to hit me. I looked at Justin for help, he smiled encouragingly.

"He...uhm...I.. He used to-" I got cut off.


she doesn't have to tell you everything." Justin objected. I gave him a small smile and he wrapped and arm around me protectively.

It's probably just for show, we are pretending to his dad that we're together.

I mean, he couldn't REALLY like me. Could he?


Dun dun dun!

I have no idea where I'm going with this story...I know whats gonna happen...SOON but i have to figure out how to get it there O.o Yano what I mean? I'll figure it out.

On a lighter note, I got my belly button pierced on Tuesday!:D Cool story, huh?

On a Darker not, My sister went to Germany and well, twister her knee and now its like in a different position....Like bends a different way or something. Gross right? Ew.

Anyways,If you love me



N Comment(:

See Ya chicha's. Mwah! :*

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