Chapter 20 - Top Trending Topic's.

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Decided to Dedicate this Story To @Hannahlutz 'cause She seems to Really like my story And I LOVE her's So... HERE :D

Don't foget to vote;']


Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me.

"Uh..Tell you what?" I asked unsurely.

"That you were raped!" She sobbed.

"I..uh forgot, Mom I'm trying to forget about it. Can we drop it?" I snapped. She nodded and I walked back into the living room. Everyone's head turned in my direction. I smiled weakly.

"Guys, Want me to show you to you're rooms?" I asked them. They nodded.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*

Chapter 20.

Alice's P.O.V

"Okay, You are in here." I showed Justin, Ryan and Chris the guest room. It had 3 beds in it. "Now, Go unpack and what not. Just come to my room when you're done." i winked. Their jaws dropped."NO! NOT LIKE THAT! UGH PERVERTS!" I exclaimed. I walked away into my room.

"How's un-packing?"I asked sarcastically.

"Great!" Cait said enthusiastically.

"Ha, I'm going on Twitter." I yawned while taking my laptop out. i logged in.

"Awesome! I have 4,000 followers!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, Why do I have THAT much followers?" I asked myself.

I looked at the top trending topic's.




"What the fuck is Jalice?" I muttered. At this point Ciara and Cait were kneeling beside my bed, on either side of me, looking in at the laptop screen.

I looked at some of the tweets people were tweeting about it.

MrsBieber101: @justinbieber@AliceEvans look so darn cute together! They should SO be a couple!

That's an example of one of the friendly tweets. While some were like this,

BieberInMyPants:@AliceEvans looks like a slutty hoe! She should do the world a favour and go die in a hole!

Ouch. That hurt.


"Ugh! He got me in this mess, He can get me out of it." I grumbled. Cait and Ciara nodded they're head in agreement.

Justin, Ryan and Chris were downstairs by the pool. I ran over and pushed Justin in.

"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE! CHECK TWITTER AND FIX THIS MESS!" I yelled at him. He went upstairs to his room, I followed quietly behind him. He grabbed his phone and went on Twitter, after a few minutes her started smirking. SMIRKING! I rolled my eyes.

"Fix it." I said while clenching my teeth together. He started typing on his phone, fast.

"There." He grinned.

"Bout time." I muttered and turned on my heel and walked away. I went downstairs but stopped outside the kitchen door.

"Me too! Justin and Alice would make a cute couple!" My mom exclaimed.

"No we wouldn't." I told my mom. Justin chuckled. When'd he get here?

"Jeez, You scared me." I muttered.

"I think we'd make a cute couple." He stated, I rolled my eyes.

"Alice, you're the only one holding back on us." Pattie chuckled. I giggled.

I toke out my phone and went on Twitter to pass time. One tweet stood out the most for me, from a certain someone. My jaw dropped.

justinbieber: You caught us! Me and @AliceEvans are officially dating.

I lifted my head and glared at Justin.

"YOU IDIOT!" I screamed. He chuckled.

"What'd I do?" He asked.

"You told the WHOLE friggin' world that we were dating!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. That." He chuckled. How is this funny?

"MOM!" I whined. She shrugged.

"Hey! I got an idea!" Scooter said excitedly.

"What?" I asked.

"You could be Justin's fake Girlfriend." He smiled. My jaw dropped.


Ooooohhh What's gonna happen now? :o

You'll never know til I upload >:D

I'm in the middle of writing chapter 23 at the moment, Better get a move on. I'm catching up with myself >.<

UGH! I have the biggest headache! I'm gonna go downstairs get something to eat, maybe take a tablet, Then hop in the shower. If it's only like 9:00pm I'll upload ANOTHER chapter and then I'll write chapter 23 in my notebook.

On another note...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! don't forget to Get me a Birthday present ;']


Anywhoo...Don't Forget to...



N Comment:)

Ou Reviour!:D

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