Chapter 6 - AHHH RAPIST!

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Dude's! Just wanna Tell Ya the Recap Is in Ciara's P.O.V. Got it? Got it? Good:)


Chris and Justin looked at me apologetically. I don't want their pity. I stood up from the log. "Ready Ryan?" I asked. "Yeah, Justin, Chris We'll take this side of the forest..." He pointed to half the forest. "...And you take that side." He pointed to the other half. They both nodded.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 6.

Justin's P.O.V

"It'll be okay man." I assured Chris, But it sounded more as if i was trying to assure myself. Like C'mon! I didn't even know her! I wanted to, But I was too of a coward to go and talk to her. WHY AM I SO SAD!? "Yeah, I'm sure she will...." He replied sadly. Wow...I feel so bad, Mostly for Alice though, obviously. God knows what's happening to her RIGHT now! she could be gettin' raped, name it!

Me and Chris headed towards the direction Ryan pointed to. We were just walking around screaming 'ALICE!'. Lucky I'm on break, because if I wasn't I probably wouldn't be able to sing, and then I'd get a LOAD of crap off my Mom and Scooter. "ALICE!" I shouted for the HUNDREATH time. No answer. Well what did I expect? her sayin 'Oh, Justin I'm over here. But! Don't come over because my Kidnapper/Rapist will be back soon and he'll shoot you.' Yeah right, Justin!

"ALI-" I was cut short, I see something small and pale on the ground. I focused on it more. My eyes widened. I could feel the horrid expression on my face, and obviously Chris could too.

"Justin? Dude! What's wrong?" I just started running towards her. Yes, the small and pale thing on the ground was infact, Alice.

Once I got to her, I broke down on my knee's, Chris was behind me sobbing. He knew just as well as I did, that this was Alice. I felt her pulse...still breathing. Phew...I checked her some cuts and bruises...and there was nothing? What the hell? I looked up and saw a blue rope, Which was probably used as a swing. OH! She probably fell off it and blacked out. I chuckled. So she's clumsy.

"DUDE! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!? THIS IS NOT A FUNNY SITUATION" Chris yelled at me. I ignored him and picked Alice up.

"Dude!? What are you doing? put her down! I want to hold her!" he whined. "Chris...knowing you, You'd drop her. Ryan and Ciara?" I suggested.

"Fine." he grumbled. Obviously wanting to let me know he wasn't happy about it. I rolled my eyes and looked down at Alice. She was the most Beautiful girl I've ever seen...But she hates me...But HEY! Hate is a VERY passionate emotion:). But seriously, She went all ape-shit on her BEST friend for putting one of my songs on her iPod.

I will get her to like me weather its the last thing I do. As a friend....Or maybe even more. Just gotta work my Bieber charm:) Just then Chris snapped me outta my thoughts. God Dammit! "She only 13." He said Quietly. 13!? Only 13? Dayum! She's hot for a 13 year old. Wow, I sound like a Pervert >.< I'm only 16..Just turned 16...But still 16... DAWN >:(

But Chris WILL make a move on her. "13?" I scoffed. Yes, its still shocking me. Like C'mon look at those legs! Only now i Realised what she's wearing.DAYUM! Look how short that skirt is! and the way I'm holding her makes it even Shorter.....Maybe i could take a peek...What? I'm a 16 year old Teenage boy? What do you expect. My Hormones are Racing inside of me.

"Are you sure she's not 15? Maybe 16? That would be Awsome if she was." I smiled to myself. "Yep, She;s 13. I know I was shocked too..And I accidentally told her she was Hot...But that's another story..." Chris explained. Was he doing this on Purpose? to make me Jealous?Well...2 can play at that game. "What? What did she say back?" I asked. He smirked. "She told me I wasn't too bad myself, Then we exchanged number's." WHAT!? I could feel the Anger boiling inside of me. Chris was enjoying this. "Dammit." I muttered.

"Justin, Face it. You can't have her. It's illegal and Perverted." He chuckled. "Watever." I looked at him. "It's NONE of your bussiness." I snapped.

All of a sudden, all I hear is "AHHHH! RAPIST!" I tightned my grip on her and Chuckled. What? I don't wanna let her fall, Since she's squirming.

She looked up. "What The Fu- Fudge? Justin Beaver Put me down!" She demanded. I chuckled and ignored her and continued walking, Chris was behind on the phone talking to Ryan. "Dude!? Are you ignoring me!?" She said Angrily. "Nope." I said Popping at the 'P'.

"I'm pretty sure this is illeagal." she said. My eyes widened. She knew...wait. What? She said 'this'. "What's illeagal?" I asked.  " Taking someonem somewhere against their will." she said firmly. "Fine, call the cops. Its not like I care. I smirked. She patted her pockets. "Dammit" She muttered. She remembered that she didn't have her phone.

"Okay,Okay. Beaver Lemmie down. I wanna walk." She finally said. I didn't argue, I just let her down. She stumbled and almost fell....AGAIN. But I caught her, and put my arm around her waist...for support, Right? Whatever. She scowled. " I'm only letting you do that for support." I shrugged. "Good for you." She rolled her eyes.

" I bet I'm asleep." She stated. "Dreaming of me?" I teased. "Nope, Having a Nightmare." Ouch. That hurt.

She poked my cheek. I gave her a Confused look. "Your so Life-like." She stated. I rolled my eyes. "I try my best." I said while flashing her a smile. Her eyes widened and she had the expresstion as if to say Did-I-Just-Say-That-Aloud? I laughed.

Chris walked up from behind us. Wow, Wait to ruin the moment Chris! Alice grinned. "Hey Chris! When did you get here?" She asked. "I've been here the whoel time." He stated. He noticed my hand around Alice's waist, And he glared at me. I smirked. "Oh..." She looked confused.


Hola Kiddo's :D Yous Are All Probably Older then me But still.... >.<

How's the Story Goin'?

Team Christain? Or Team Justin? :)

I Think that was a Decent Sized Chapter:) If you ask me. What Do You Guys say?

Wait, Did i Just say Guys? >.< AHHH I'M TURNIN INTO AN AMERICAN. Not that There's anything wrong with that or anything....

My dad Laughs at me when i Use Amreican Worlds like...'Awsome' or 'Dude' >.<

Butcha No wha?  I DUN GIVE A FUCK!

There. I said it:) I fell alot better. Don't you?

AHH My Birhtday is in 31 Days! Yes I expect A Gift from you all O.o Nah, I'm Jk >.<


Don't Forget to...



N Comment:D

Merci;) Au Revoir!  Oh Yesh Bitch Ino French ^.^

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