Chapter 23 - Tied together...

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I stormed off to my room, Cait and Ciara followed.

"I can't BELIEVE I'm going to get punished for doing nothing! Nada! Zippo! Like, Being on every Magazine cover, Boobs on show enough? I bet I'll get tons of Death threats too and who's fault will it be? Justin Bieber's." I grumbled. They nodded their heads in agreement.

I wonder what my punishment will be....

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*End of Recap*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chapter 23.

Pattie's P.O.V

This is the opportunity me and Mandy needed. The kids don't get along, We'll make sure they do. And we have the perfect way on how to do it. Now all we have to do is tell them.

An believe it or not, That's the hard part....

Alice's P.O.V

"ALICE! JUSTIN! DOWN, NOW!" My mom yelled. I'm guessing they found a punishment. But it;s just a hunch.

I walked downstairs, Justin right behind me.

"maybe you should sit down." Scooter suggested. I don't like were this is going....It's that bad? Oh, Boy. I did what he said, and sat down.

"Okay, What's our 'punishment'." I asked nervously.

"Well, Me and Pattie were thinking and we came up with a great idea...." Mom trailed off.

"We're going to handcuff you's together for a week." Pattie finished. WHAT?

"No way!" I exclaimed. Justin smirked.

"Yes way." Mom chuckled. I want to punch her.

"No way. I'm not doing this." I told them while stomping my foot on the ground.

"did you seriously stomp you're foot on the ground? I thought girls only did that on TV." Justin chuckled.

"Can it, Bieber." I told him sternly.

"Alice, Hunny. You don't have a choice, It's a punishment." Mom explained.

"A punishment for me!" I exclaimed. It's a PRIVILEGED to Justin. Well, It WOULD be.

"What happens when I have to Shower? Pee? OR Change? OR Sleep!?" I asked.

"Figure it out yourselves." Pattie shrugged. Justin smiled evilly. My eyes widened.

"I am not sleeping in the same bed as Justin. I am not Peeing OR changing OR showering in the same room as him, While he's in there." I told them. They ignored me.

"He's a Pervert! Someone listen!" I pleaded.

"He's not a pervert." My mom told me.

"Is too!" I argued.

"How is he a pervert?" Pattie asked. I thought about it, Then smiled evilly. I moved my hair away from my neck and pointed toward my hickey. "Justin gave me this! See, Pervert! I'm tellin you!" I exclaimed. Everyone's eyes flickered to Justin. I smirked.

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