Chapter 38 - Shopping with the Beadles

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My Birthdays on friday so don't forget to tell me happy birthday, HmmKay? Oooh! and a present, maybe? or not..


Chapter 38.

1 month later.

It hadn't been long since we left Cananda,  2 weeks I think. Justins family loved me to say the least, as well as his friends. Chaz was now one of my best friends, almost as good as Ciara, and that is hard to achieve. Somehow, he did though.

"I like this shirt." Caitlin pointed toward  at the pink and White checkered shirt that hung in the window.

"It'll make me look fat." I said absentmindedly looking at my average sized belly, not even glancing at the top.

Christian looked down at my stomach, "That and every other top on the planet." he muttered sarcastically. I pinched him.

"Ow!" he squealed.

"Thats what you get. I have a baby in me, okay? A little person growing inside of me, did you not think she's going to take up much room? Huh? Chris you need to go back to school-"

"I'm still in school." he interrupted.

"Point is that your not supposed to call a woman fat, whether she's pregnant or not, Kay?" Cait explained. He nodded, rubbing his arm where I had pinched him.

Suddenly, a pain shot through my stomach, I grabbed it wincing.

"Are you okay?" Cait asked immediately. I shook my head.

Shaking my head, I answered, "Yeah, this little guy thinks he's playing football." I cooed, rubbing my stomach. Another stab of pain. I winced.

"Maybe I should call Justin..." Chris suggested. I glared at him.

"He just kicking," I snapped. "Justin won't be able to do much about it, anyways."

Chris looked wary, but nodded.

"What about this dress? It looks nice." Cait tried. I shook my head not even looking at it. God, I want this baby outta' me ASAP.

"How bout this?" She suggested.

"I am going on the red carpet with Justin I can't go out there looking like an apple. DO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK LIKE AN APPLE!?" I asked frustrated.

"What? How you look like an apple?" Cairo questioned.

"Apples are RED, so is that dress. DO THE MATH!" god, I'm dealing with idiots.

"Some apple are green actually." Chris cut in. I glared at him. "Sorry," he muttered stepping back.

"God dammit! None of these are in my size!" I cried aspirated.

"Uh, we're maternity wear?" Caitlyn stated.

"Exacly! I'm a size 8!" Chris snorted. I spun around to face him. "Something to say Chris?" I spat. He shook his head. Yeah, thats what I thought.

"What about this?" Cait asked holding a baby pink t-shirt with buttons at the top.

"Yeah, sure. I don't even care anymore." I muttered. I felt another sharp pain go through my stomach.

Cait threw a bunch off colours tops into the basket and we made our way up to the paying desk.

"Excuse me?" I heard a small voice mumbled from behind me. I looked down to see small girl in pink dungarees and pigtails looking up at me shyly.

"What's your name him?" I asked her. I kneeled down so we were both level but Cait went along and payed for the clothes.


"What can I do for you sweetie?" I asked her kindly.

"A-Are you Justin Bieber's girlfriend?" she asked shyly, whilst looking down on the ground and twirling her foot around in circles on the ground. I smiled softly.

"I am indeed." she looked up and grinned. "Are you a fan of his?" I asked her. She nodded eagerly.

"I'm his biggest fan..." she motioned my to come closer as if she was telling me a secret. ".. I even have a poster of him in my room!" he giggled covering her mouth. I giggled along with her.

"Really? Me too!" her mouth fell open making a small 'o' shape.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. It was then that I noticed Cait and Chris were behind me.

"Do you want me to call him?" I asked her. She nodded slowly. I snacked my phone from my pocket and dialled his number.

"Alice? Are you okay? Is it the baby?" he ask worriedly.

"I'm fine, I just have your biggest fan here." Taylor giggled.

"Oh, really? Put her on." he ordered.

"Why do you presume it's a girl?" I asked him.

"Is it?"

"Yes, but that's beside the point." he laughed. "Okay, here's Taylor."

I handed Taylor the phone.

"Hello?" she murmured shyly through the receiver. She and Justin spoke for a few minutes and for the first time I looked up trying to spot her parent but was surprised when I couldn't see them.

"Taylor hun, where's you mom and dad?" I asked her.

"I don't know.." I sighed and lofted her, Resting her on my hip.

" shouldn't be carrying her-"Cait tried.

"I'm pregnant, not handicapped." I snapped.

"I'll call you later Justin." I promised.

"Okay, I'll see you."

"Say bye Taylor." I murmured.

"Bye Justin." she waved to the phone.

"Aww," I cooed.

"Bye Taylor." with that, I hung up.

I walked up toward the help desk.

"Excuse me?" I murmured to the woman who was typing away on her computer. "This child has lost her parents and-"

"Say no more." the woman smiled.

She sent out a message over the intercom - "for the whole store to here- a description of Taylor. It was in no time that her mother cam rushing up towards the desk thanking me a million times over.

"Thanks you so much!" her mother cried yet again.

"Really, it was no bother at all." I replied with a cool smile.

"Bye now." she bid farewell.

"Bye. Bye Taylor!" I chirped to the 4 year old.

"Bye!" she cried happily, running over and hugging my leg.

"C'mon Taylor we gotta go." her mom murmured picking her up. With that, they toke off. We made our way out of the shop.

"She was cute, I can't wait to have this little rascal out of me." I giggled holding my stomach.

"Me either. I dibs on being godmother." Cait chimed.

"You'll have to fight that out with Ciara." I laughed.

"I can do that." she laughed.

A felt another sharp pain go through my stomach, then my vision was clouded over by black dots and the last thing I heard was my name behind shouted before I fell on my stomach.


Kind of crappy.. I can't even remember the plot I was heading for :'(

All I remember that it was really good.

Sucks, right?

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