Mornings (different from first)

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The sun was gleaming through the blinds. You were wrapped in Joe's tight, warm, and strong embrace.

"Good morning," he said and kissed your forehead. You cuddled more into his warm chest and mumbled something along the line of "morning" He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms tighter around you.

"What do you want for breakfast," he asked you.

"Cuddles," you whispered, barely audible.

"Okay, we can stay here for a little bit longer," he said and kissed your forehead again.

About 5 minutes later, you felt Joe rubbing your arm to wake you up again.

"C'mon babe, it's time to get up," he said.

"Ughh, okay," you whined.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked you.

"Ooh, let's make pancakes," you suggested as you slowly got out of bed. Joe walked over to your side of the bed and pulled you up quickly. He embraced your small frame in a big hug.

After he put on some pj pants, you both walked upstairs to make some breakfast.

You pulled out the bacon from the fridge and walked over to the cooktop. Joe got out all the ingredients for the pancakes.

You guys whipped up the batter and started to put it in a pan next to where the bacon was sizzling.

As you were flipping the pancakes, Joe walked over and put his arms around your waist.

"I love you," he said and kissed your cheek.

You turned around and hugged him back. You stood in the hug until the pancakes were ready.

You both ate breakfast together and had a lazy day.


This is crappy. Sorry. I wrote this in the car in my notes 😂

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