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You were sitting up at the counter reading a magazine and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Joe look at this," you said and took the magazine over to him to show him something.

He took it out of your hands and rolled it up.

He started hitting you with it.

"Joe, stop," you laughed as you tried to run away.

He was running after you. He caught you and pinned you to the floor.

He kept hitting your sides and chuckling.

"Joeeee," you laughed and tried to grab the magazine from his hands.

Your arms were waving around with his, trying to get him to stop hitting you with it.

"This is why you don't give me anything that can bend and I can whack you with," he said and chuckled.

"Bruh," you whispered.

"What?" He asked you.

"I said bruh," you said and laughed.

He laughed and started whacking you again.

"Joe! Stop it!" You yelled and finally grabbed the magazine. You threw it across the room and meanwhile, Joe was still on top of you.

He leaned down and kissed you. Your arms and legs still pinned down.

"I hate you," you said and laughed once he pulled away.

"I hate you too," he said and leaned down to kiss you again.

"Let's take this to our room," he said as the kiss turned into a passionate make out session.

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