Goofy Morning

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You woke up to someone rolling over you. You heard small chuckles coming from beside you. It must be Joe.

"Wake up!" He said and rolled over you again. You just giggled and buried yourself further under the covers.

Joe moved the blanket down from over your nose and breathed his smelly morning breath in your face. That woke you up.

"Joeeee," you whined and covered your nose and made a scrunched face.

"Get up," he groaned and poked your sides.

"No, fuck off," you whined and cuddled up under the blankets again.

"Don't make me breathe in your face again," he said and laid back on top of you.

"Joe, get off," you groaned and tried to shove him off of you.

"Only if you get up," he demanded.

"Only if you carry me," you said with a smug look.

"Fineee," he groaned and yanked the blankets off of you.

He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You giggled while he laughed his ass off.

"Joe! I didn't mean like this!" You yelled and slapped his back.

"Ow, love, stop it," he said and chuckled and smacked your butt.

"Put me down you asshole!" You demanded and laughed.

"Nope! You called me an asshole so it looks like you're gonna be stuck here for a while," he said and laughed evilly.

"Okay, I don't really mind the view," you said and squished his butt and laughed.

"That's it!" He said and plopped you down on the couch and started ticking you.

"No! Joe! Stop it!" You yelled in between breaths.

"Okay, fine," he said and laid on top of you.

"Joe get off and I'll make breakfast," you said with a grown. Jesus Joe was heavy. Probably because you're so small compared to him.

"Yay! I knew I wouldn't have to make breakfast if I did this!" He said and straddled you and fist pumped the air.

"Oh my god Joe get off," you said and pushed him off so you could go make breakfast.

So I had youth symphony rehearsal today and omfg the music is amazing. I'm so excited! There are also some cuteeeeee guys who play in it with me. (But not as cute as Joe)


Thanks for reading! I know it's short but I haven't had time to update a long one, but at least I updated 🌵

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