New Years Kiss? Part 5

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Joe stood there. He was clearly upset. You felt so bad.

"Joe, you weren't meant to hear that," you sighed and put your head in your hands. You got up out of the pool and dried of. You felt horrible. You felt like there was no way to fix this.

"Y/n, can we please try to figure this out?" He asked you as you dried yourself off.

"Joe, I really want to, but how?" You asked looking up at him sadly.

"Come on, let's go talk," he said and took your wrist. You craved his touch. You needed more than a pull by the wrist.

He pulled you into Caspar's room. You laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Y/n," Joe said and sighed. He grabbed your hand this time.

"Joe, I need you. We can't do this. I hate having to run around faking happiness because you kissed another girl. I know you were drunk and I know you needed to kiss someone. But it should have been me," you whispered the last part because it brought tears to your eyes.

Joe grabbed your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss. You needed that. But it didn't make you not upset anymore.

"Y/n, please forgive me," Joe said and held your hands.

"I can't forgive you right now. You'll have to make it up to me. Joe, I cried because I just knew you would go kiss another girl. It broke my heart hearing that you got shit faced and kissed another girl. Especially from Caspar. I love Caspar and I'm glad he told me but really Joe? You couldn't tell me because you were too shit faced!" You said frustratedly and stood up, pulling at your hair.

"Y/n, please," he cried.

"Joe, you have to make it up to me," you said and walked out of the room.

~Joe's POV~

Caspar came in right after y/n left. He saw my face and pulled me into a hug.

"I really shouldn't help you, but you're my best mate and you clearly need it," Caspar said and sat down on the bed across from me.

"I have an idea," he said

"What?" I asked and fidgeted with my fingers.

"We can all of hike up a mountain," Caspar began. I laughed.

"Why?" I said and ceased my chuckling.

"Because if we get to the top of the mountain, neither of you can run away while you're trying to sort this out," Caspar suggested. It was actually a good idea

"Oh my god Caspar you're brilliant," I said and hugged Caspar. He chuckled and hugged back.

"Guys, I'm going back to the hotel," y/n said and popped her head into the room.

"Okay y/n, we'll see you tomorrow," Caspar said. It looks like I'm staying here tonight.

"Can I stay here tonight? She said she needs some space," I said and looked at Caspar. 

"Sure, I'll text her later and tell her the plan for tomorrow," Caspar said.

"Okay. Thanks for helping us out," I said and stood up to leave his room. He followed. We went to go come up with a good conversation starter so y/n and I can figure this out.


Okay so whenever I try to solve their problem, the conversation doesn't seem dramatic enough. So that's why I'm kinda stretching this out. I just want to get the ending right 🙃

Joe Sugg ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt