Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Neighbors.

Why? Why do I have to move the beginning of my senior year? This sucks!

Sure I didn't really have friends last year, sure I hated that school, sure I didn't enjoy living there, but I didn't want to move. Not yet anyways.

I walk down my driveway to get some boxes to bring inside. As I picked up two I saw a women making her way over. A neighbor I assume.

"Hello" she smiles at me. I hear footsteps behind me so my mum must be coming.

"Hi" I send her a smile in return.

She seems physically unaffected by my appearance which makes me sort of happy. My mother, who just walked next to me, seems surprised by her friendliness as well.

"Hello." My mum greats the women.

"Hello" she returned. "I'm your neighbor from just over there" she points to the house next to ours. "My name is Liz Hemmings" she introduced herself. "My husband, Andrew, and son, Luke, live there as well."

"Lovely, well I'm Karen" she shook her hand. "This is my son Michael. My husband Daryl isn't here at the moment but he will soon"

"Well I just want to welcome you to the neighborhood and apart of that welcoming would be inviting you to dinner."

I see my mother eye me to see what I was thinking but I answer for her. "That sounds lovely Mrs.Hemmings. It will be nice to have a meal that isn't take out Chinese." I smile at her.

"Fantastic" she claps her hands together. "You can come over at 5:30"

"Sounds like a plan" my mother smiled. "We'll see you later" my mother added before grabbing some boxes and heading inside.

I turn around to do the same before Mrs. Hemmings stops me. "Michael!" I turn to face her and she quickly speaks up. "Luke might be outside playing sometimes, if you ever wanted to, he'd be more than glad to have you come over. "

"Sure" I nod. "How old is he?"

"He's 18" her voice sounded a little off. An 18 year old playing outside? Oh, he must play football or some other sport. "But Michael, I want you to know Luke is a little....different" she said hesitantly.

"Don't worry" I swat my hand at her. "I'm sure he's just fine. I mean I'm different too. Looks at me!"

"Michael he's just a-"

"It's fine" I interrupt her. "I'm sure he's a great lad."

She nods her head and gives me a small smile. "I'll see you tonight Michael."

"See you tonight"

I take the boxes back inside as Mrs. Hemmings leaves. I go back and forth for another 10 minutes. Pick up boxes, put them in the living room, repeat. This continues until all boxes are inside.

"So, time to start unpacking?" My mother innocently smiles.

I groan and flop on the couch that sits in the middle of the living room on its own. My mum sighs and sits next to me.

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