Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Sing

My mum told me to go outside. She probably meant exercise or something like that but here I am, sitting under a tree with my acoustic guitar, strumming random notes.

I looked around at the scenery. It wasn't anything spectacular but was still beautiful. Small flowers were growing a few feet from me and the other trees glistened with water because of the thunderstorm last night.  The sun shines bright on the water droplets that have landed on everything.

"You're just a daydream away. I wouldn't know what to say if I had you." I sing quietly to myself as I strum the notes.

I continue playing the song, lifting my head up and closing my eyes. I enjoyed the song I was playing with the chirping of birds in the background.

"Hey Mikey" I heard a quiet voice from above me.

I smiled and looked up at Luke. He then sat down next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. He smiled against my shoulder and I chuckled quietly.

"What's up bud?" I ask wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Nothing" he said quietly. "I just heard you playing your guitar. It sounded really pretty"

"As pretty as you?" I asked.

He blushed and buried his head in my chest. I slowly layed down and kept him close to me. I set my guitar to the side and ran my fingers through his hair and smiling at the flower crown on his head.

"You know, you looked kinda scary at first" Luke said making my chuckle quietly.

"Why did I look scary?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"All the metal things in your face" he said looking up at me and touching each of my piercings. I smiled as he rubbed his finger over the ring in my lip. "I like this one" he said.

"You should get one" I smile as his finger still ran over the cool metal of my lip ring.

"But didn't you get a ouchie?" He asked, his tone as childish and cute as ever. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"It does" I admit. "But once your boo boo doesn't hurt, it looks cool"

"I'll ask mum" he giggled.

"You do that Lukey Pukey" I twirl a piece of his hair in my hands.

He's quiet for awhile, just resting his head on my chest and closing his eyes contently. I just smile down at him with a grin on my face.

"Cat" Luke says pointing at the sky.

"Fish" I say pointing to a different cloud, catching on fast.

"Turtle" he said.

"Puppy" I added.

"Oh look!" He exclaimed sitting up, starring at the sky in awe. "It's a penguin!"

"Look at that! It is" I smile at him.

The way his eyes lit up as he looked at the penguin shaped cloud made my heart swell. He was so precious and adorable in every way. I would never in a million years want this boy any other way.

"C-can you sing me a song?" He asks me while playing nervously with his fingers.

"Of course. Is there any song you like?"

"I like the new One Direction album" he blushed lightly.

"One Direction? Who is your favorite?" I asked grabbing my guitar.

"Niall" he said meekly as if he was embarrassed.

"I'm more of a Harry type of person" I said with a small smile.

"You like them too?" He asked with surprise.

"Yeah. They're great" I smile. "How about 'I Want To Write You A Song'?" I ask tuning my guitar.

"Yeah" he smiled wide. "That's one of my favorites!"

I nod with a smile and start strumming on my guitar. "I want to write you a song
One as beautiful as you are sweet" I sang softly to him.
"And just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone. I want to write you a song." 

He smiled at me as I kept singing and playing my guitar. The last verse came up and I saw Luke take a deep breath before singing along.

"I want to write you a song
One to make your heart remember me. So any time I'm gone you can listen to my voice and sing along. I want to write you a song. I want to write you a song." He sang and I stopped half way through the verse to listen to him.

His voice was so much better than mine. It was so beautiful and soft and made my heart beat faster.  The way the lyrics tumbled from his sweet lips was utter perfection. I was in love with his voice.

"That was beautiful Lukey Pukey!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand.

"It was okay" he shrugged like it wasn't that big of a deal but his cheeks were bright red. "I really like your voice" he said smiling softly.

"Believe me Lukey Pukey, you have the best voice in the whole world."

"The whole world" his eyes light up. "Woah" he says dazed as something very imaginative goes through his head. Or at least I think that's what happened.

"The whole world" I confirm with a smile.

I lay back down and open my arms for Luke to lie down in them again. He lays down placing his head back on my chest. He placed one arm over my stomach, holding me close to him. I wrapped both arms around him, not wanting to ever let go.

He closed his eyes and hummed the beat of the song we just sang. He smiled contently, rubbing circles on my hip without even realizing he was. I just smiled and kissed his forehead lightly.

Luke let out a yawn before cuddling me closer to him and letting out a small sigh. I gently brush some hair out of his forehead before closing my eyes as well.

I hear small snores come from Luke's mouth meaning he fell asleep and soon I find my self drifting off as well.

I soon fall asleep, my dreams taken over my the cute, big, blue eyes that are always so wide in amazement and happiness.

I never want to see him upset.

{A/N: it's been awhile so sorry. I'm also sorry cause this chapter wasn't that great.

Thanks for reading! I love you!}

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