Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

A small smile was on my face as Luke sprawled out on my bed. We had just made cupcakes and he ate a few too many. He whines about his tummy before pouting as he looked up at me.

"You're supposed to take care of me boyfriend. Make my tummy feel better" he breathes out.

I chuckle, sitting on the bed next to him. "I don't think I can just make your tummy magically feel better babe. That isn't how this works" I wrap an arm around him, pulling him to sit in my lap.

I rub his back gently and he buries his face in my neck. "I know" he murmured quietly to me. "But maybe a kiss can make me feel a little better?" He said softly.

I chuckled, lifting his face up then. I press my lips gently against his before pulling back just barely. I nudge his nose with mine making him let out an adorable giggle.

"Better?" I questioned as I open my eyes to look at him.

His icy and beautiful eyes meet mine and it takes my breath away. He has the most beautiful eyes. If he looked at me with those big blue eyes and asked for something, anything, there's no way I wouldn't give it to him.

"Mm, think I might need more kisses to help" he said cheekily.

I let out a soft chuckle before laying him back on the bed. I kissed his lips again, hovering over his lanky body. My knees rest on either sides of his hips, my hands resting on the bed on both sides of his head. Our lips move slowly against each other, my heart beating extremely fast.

I heard my bedroom door open and I quickly pull away. I tug my bottom lip between my teeth, turning to see my mum. She raises an eyebrow as she looks at us, crossing her arms over her chest. Uh oh.

Luke's cheeks turn pink and he cuddled up with the blankets on my bed. He hid his face in the covers, and I rub his back lightly as I know he's definitely a bit embarrassed by being caught.

"I was going to see who made the mess in the kitchen but I guess I know now...Michael, may I speak to you?" She asks.

I let out a soft breath, nodding my head. "Sure, um...I'll be back Luke" I said gently before standing up from the bed then.

I leave the room, closing my door behind me. I look to my mom, seeing she doesn't exactly look happy with me. I really don't want to be yelled at by her. I'm just trying to be happy with Luke.

"Michael, what the hell do-" she started off but I immediately cut in. I don't need her telling me what to do.

"I'm being happy mum. I'm with someone who makes me really happy and I make him happy too. Everything just feels right with him and I don't care if he's different. It makes him even more perfect" I tell her, holding my ground. "So yell at me all you'd like. I will never leave Luke" I said said to her.

She let out a sigh. "You need to go slow with him Michael. I know you have urges like any other guy but Luke doesn't. He doesn't know any of those types of things so don't make him feel like he has to grow up for you. He's still a little kid in his mind...don't push him into being an adult until he fully understands what that is." She said seriously as she looked at me.

"Okay mum...I'll take things slow with him" I said softly. "I want to make him the happiest guy alive and I give him everything he wants...I don't give him too much" I assured her.

"Okay careful with him"

"I will mum. I promise" I smiled slightly. "And we'll clean up in the kitchen later, I promise" I assure her.

She nods before going downstairs with another heavy sigh. What have I gotten myself into with all of this? It was difficult breaking the news to my mother but it's going to be a million times harder breaking the news to Liz. She'll send me away from her son and I don't think I can handle being away from Luke for more than 2 hours at a time.

I slowly come back into the room to find an adorable blushy Luke. I took a seat on the bed beside him and carefully pull him back into my lap. He buried his face in my neck again making me chuckle softly.

"Is she mad?" He whispered.

"No, she's just shocked I think. It'll be okay" I said gently and rub his back. "Everything will be okay baby"

I kiss the top of his head as he relaxed again. I hate having him be so tense and worried. I just want my baby boy to be happy and calm. He's the most amazing boy and obviously he deserves the world.

Eventually he looks up at me, pulling me in for a kiss. He seemed to have something on his mind but sometimes I don't want to push him. He bites his lip as he looks down at me before cupping my cheek lightly. I wonder what's going on in his mind.

"Can I tell you something...private?" He whispered softly and I raise an eyebrow before nodding my head a bit.

"You can always tell me these things. You can trust me baby" I hum softly and rub his back.

He gnaws on his bottom lip and I can tell something really is bothering him and he's nervous to admit it to me. I have no idea what he's about to tell me.

"It got hard...when we kissed." He said really quietly and I raised an eyebrow cause I don't quite understand.

"It? What is it? What got hard?" I shook my head, thinking he meant it got hard to continue for some reason.

"Mikey..." he whined slightly before grinding up lightly against my leg. "It did" he whimpered and my eyes go wide.


The updates are super slow, I'm so sorry! School is a huge pain in my ass and there's just mental health shit going on too and sucks.

If you've stuck around this long, thanks!! It means a lot to have you guys supporting what I write so thank you so so much. I love you all!

My DMs are always open so please message me if you want! I love talking to you guys! I mean, I could even make a group chat for y'all 5sos fans if you guys wanted (obviously I need a few people for that).

Anyways! Hope you guys are doing well, I love you guys so so much! Thanks for the support!

All the love,
R xx}

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