Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I avoided Liz for now. I have to come up with what I want to say to her and I have to work up the courage to do it. She can't tear Luke and I apart, I won't let her. I still can't believe she made Ashton leave his life simply because she could risk him being with Luke. That doesn't sound like Liz.

I lay in bed, trying to think about anything besides what Liz may do to me when she found out I kissed Luke. I instead think about kissing Luke which is a much more enjoyable topic to think about. His soft and plump lips that are just so kissable.

I heard a sudden knock on my door making me jump a bit in surprise. As I was about to get up to get it, I see blue eyes and blonde hair peep through the crack of the door when it slowly opened.

"Hey bud" I chuckle softly, smiling as he giggled and walked further into the room.

"Hi Mikey!" He said happily and ran to me, jumping on me with excitement.

"What has you all happy baby boy?" I laughed a bit, holding him close.

"I get to cuddle with my favorite person ever now!" He explained as if it's an obvious fact.

"Of course, well I'm glad I can cuddle with my favorite person too" I kiss his forehead with a smile.

He blushed, letting out a shy giggle before burying his face in my chest to hide. God, does it get any more adorable than that? I could just watch him all day. Too creepy?

I just held him close to me, drawing shapes on his back as we relaxed. It was a comfortable silence, not awkward at all. I could do this for hours and never get bored. He's just so cozy and definitely enjoyable to cuddle with.

When he finally speaks up, he sounds rather quiet and I assume he's just tired. I know I am too, I was up all night worrying about Liz.

"Can you play some music? It helps me fall asleep" he said, looking up at me. "I didn't take my nap today so I'm really tired" he murmurs.

"Of course I can play some music babe" I kiss the top of his head before leaning over and pressing the button on my stereo.

I turn the volume down, letting the music calmly soothe us both. It was relaxing and calm and I knew I'd be asleep in just minutes.

"Perfect" Luke hums with a tired smile and he cuddled back up into my chest.

His hand is clutching my shirt, one of his legs thrown over my waist. I have an arm wrapped around him, resting on his lower back and I rub gently.

Soon enough I hear his quiet snores and I smiled to myself. I close my eyes and rest my head back on my pillow. Time for me to get some more sleep.


When I woke up, Luke's body was curled around my own and he was holding onto me tight. He had his thumb in his mouth making my heart clench at how adorable he is.

I run my fingers through his hair, pushing his hair off of his forehead. I pressed a light kiss to his forehead and he smiled. He then giggled and I realize he's actually awake.

"Good morning cutie" I grin at him and rub his back gently.

He looked up at me with big, bright blue eyes, smiling happily. He couldn't be anymore perfect than this. He's slowly becoming my whole world.

He leans up a bit and gently pressed his lips onto mine. I smile on his lips and close my eyes. Our lips move together slowly until he pulled back slowly.

He wanted to say something, I could tell he was fighting it, trying to keep quiet. I don't know if I should urge him to tell me or wait for him to be comfortable enough to tell me. I decide the second option is best.

"Any plans for the day?" I ask him with a soft smile, pushing his hair back from his face.

"Mummy told me I could spend the day with you!" Luke exclaimed excited and I kiss his cheek with a smile.

"Perfect" I said happily but still kept thinking about what he wanted to say. What was he going to say?

It was quiet for a few brief moments before I heard him speak up again. His voice was quiet and I could tell he was a bit embarrassed to ask.

"Mummy said there's this thing people do when they love each other and it makes babies..." he whispered. "But she said it's between a women and a man...does that mean if I love you, we can't ever have a baby together?" He asked, looking up at me with watery blue eyes and I can see it's been bothering him.

"Of course we could have kids. We just can't grow them in our tummies like mummies can" I rub his back. "You can adopt, you can have someone else have a baby for you. We can have babies, don't worry sweetheart" I kiss his forehead and he smiled a bit.

He seemed relieved and I'm glad because I don't want my baby boy in a bad mood. It's cute that he's thinking about having babies and better yet, having babies with me. I definitely could want that too in the future.

"And the thing....that mummies and daddies do...can two boys do that too?" He questioned with a blush on his cheek.

I wonder if he's gotten the talk. I know that it's probably something he'd get grossed out by if he heard it but I also wonder if his hormones are like any other guys and he can't control himself. Maybe it's best I don't share how gay sex works...not today anyways"

"There's a way but that conversation is best saved for another day baby boy" I kiss his lips and he giggled.

My baby boy.

(Sorry if this is shitty! I tried really hard to write it fast cause so many people wanted an update. Here it is, I hope you like it! I'll try my best to get on more!

I also hope you all are doing well, I'm always here to talk if you need it or if you just wanna tell me about some cool stuff going on with you. I'm always here to listen!

I love you all so much, thank you so much for reading my book!

All the love,

R x)

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