Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Piercings

"Lukey, come on" I whine as I sit on his bed. "Just let me choose your outfit this on time!" I pout at him.

"I don't know Mikey..." He says, my heart fluttering at the nickname. "I don't think I'd look good in clothes like yours" he mumbled quietly.

"you look good in everything, I promise" I smile at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his body.

He blushes and lets out a small giggle before burying his face in my chest. "Fine, you can choose my clothes" he murmurs.

"Yay!" I grin, giving him a small squeeze before going to his closet.

I hum as I look through his closet, spotting a red flannel in the back and I grin, taking out. It is like the one I'm wearing right now.

He smiles a bit a the see it which makes me happy that he seems like he wants to wear it. I then grab some black skinny jeans like the ones he normally wears.

I hand them to him and he thanks me. I nod at him with a smile before flopping back on his bed. He shyly changes in front of my but I make sure to look away knowing he doesn't want me to look.

Soon enough he sits down beside me, asking me if I can help him button up his flannel. I chuckle softly and nod.

I go to button up his flannel, my breath hitching in my throat as I look his rather toned and pale chest up and down. I swallow harshly before buttoning up his shirt.

"Are you okay Mikey?" Luke asks quietly.

I shake all thoughts from my head and smile as I look up at him. "Never better bud" I hum.

He nods and hugs me, letting out a small huff in my chest. "What do I do with my hair?" He whines.

I chuckle, my hand ruffling up his hair happily. "I have an idea" I say, pulling back. I take the black SnapBack off my head, placing it backwards on his. "There" I smile fondly.

He giggles softly and smiles softly at me. "Thanks Mikey" he says quietly before leaning up on his tip toes, kissing my cheek gently.

My heart flutters and the skin his lips touch, tingle. God, this kid has no idea the affect he has on me. He has completely turned my world around.

"Why are my lips all....tingly?" He giggles softly as he glance at me, touching his lips.

"It might be that way because you like me" I smile softly at him, cupping his cheek.

"L-like you? Like mummy likes daddy?" He asks quietly.

"Maybe. That's for you to decide love" I say softly, my thumb rubbing over his cheek bone.

"Would my skin feel that way if you kissed my cheek?" His voice fails to get louder.

I smile softly at him and lean up a bit, kissing his cheek gently, my lips lingering before I pull back.

"Does it?" I ask gently.

"It does" he says, his voice soft. "Your lip is kinda cold" he giggles quietly.

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