Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Luke, you are crushing my balls right now" I groan as he sits on my lap.

"Sorry" he giggles at me, moving over to get us both my comfortable.

I cross my legs, letting him put his bum in the middle of my legs. His legs draped over mine and the edge of the chair. I place my hand on the small of his back, smiling at him.

"Can we talk about last night?" He asked quietly, blushing.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I ask him gently, kissing his forehead to relax him.

"I kissed you..." He mumbled. "I only kiss mummy and daddy" he whispers.

"But when you like someone a lot you will kiss them? Is that why you kissed me?"

"I-I don't know, I think so" he mumbled.

"You don't have to decide now" I tell him, tracing shapes on his back. "But just think about it okay?"

He nods his head, burying his head in my neck. I chuckle at him, kissing the side of his head.

"Do you want to date someone, like when you're older?" I ask curiously.

He nods with a small smile, his face still pressed against my neck. "I wanna be married with kids when I'm older."

"Me too" I nod with a small smile. "When do you want to start dating people?"

"Really soon, I want someone to cuddle all the time and kiss like we did last night" he giggles.

"What about me? I cuddle you all the time!" I pout at him.

"That's true, are we dating?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Just really close friends" I smile at his adorable confusion. "But I'll tell you what, when you think you're ready to date, tell me. I might just have to snatch you up all for myself" I give him a tight squeeze.

He blushes, letting out a happily giggle. "Okay Mikey" he nods.

I grin at him and kiss his cheek gently. I'm so lucky to have this adorable boy in my lap, telling me he might date me in the future. Just him saying he might date me has me all excited.

"I've never had a boyfriend before" he mumbled. "Mommy said I wasn't ready" he looked up at me.

"Did you like someone?" I ask him.

"I liked a boy named Ashton. He had super curly hair and a pretty smile" he blushes as he speaks. "And I think he liked me too"

"What happened?" I rubbed his back.

"Mommy said we couldn't hang out if he would act like my boyfriend and he left" he sniffles.

My face pales and I bite my lip. Would Liz really keep me away from him? I mean, I kissed him! She'll never let me speak to him again!

"Wait, Ashton...I've heard that name before" I mumble, thinking to myself, his face popping into my head. "Ashton Irwin?"

"Yeah!" He jumps up a bit in my lap. "That's him!"

"You and him were almost dating?" I ask, not really shocked.

Ashton is the nicest boy I've ever met, of course he got close to Luke. It's not like him to leave though, I find that hard to believe.

"Kinda, I don't know" he mumbled, burying his face in my neck. "Mumma said he wanted to and I don't know if I wanted to"

"That's okay buddy, I'm sure he will stop by sometime and be your friend again." I trace shaped into his skin.

"It's okay of he doesn't, I've got you now Mikey" he gave me a small smile. "And I want to date you"

My breath hitches in my throat as I look at him. "Y-you do?" I ask in shock.

"Not yet, but I want you to be my Ariel" he ran a hand through my red hair.

I nod, grinning widely. "And I want you to be my Eric, my beautiful Prince" I kiss his forehead.

He blushes, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "You're the best Mikey, even better than Mimi" he said, covering Mimi's ears so he wouldn't hear. "Don't tell him!" He added quickly.

"I would never" I give him a fond smile.

He giggles and kisses my cheek gently, taking me by surprise but it's a good surprise. I close my eyes as his lips linger for a few seconds.

"I swear, you do whatever you can to make me want to kiss you" I mutter, running my hand up and down his back.

He giggles, his cheeks light pink. "That might be true" he mumbled shyly.

I chuckle and cup his cheeks in my hand, looking into his blue eyes. "Do you want me to kiss you again?" I ask gently. He looks down, away from my eyes but I shake my head. "Look at me baby" I say softly, bringing his lips close to mine.

I can feel his shaky breath on my lips and it's driving me insane in the best way. He has made me feel things I didn't know I could feel.

"Now tell me, do you want me to kiss you again?" I ask him again, looking into his eyes. My lips brush against his with each word, making him whine.

"please" he said, his cheeks bright pink and my lips curl up into a smile.

"That's all I needed to hear" I hum.

I bring his lips to mine again, my eyes fluttering shut. I feel the similar burst of butterflies in my stomach, the familiar tingling of my lips.

I feel him tense up under my touch as I place my hand on his hip and just as I'm about to pull away to see if he's alright, he dusts my shirt in his hand, pulling me even closer to his body.

I grin on his lips and place my other hand on the back of his neck, my fingers tangling into his soft hair. He lets out a small hum on my lips, telling me he likes me playing with his hair.

I could do this forever, just kissing him and cuddling him and talking to him.

I could die right now and be the happiest man in the world.

I would just like to say that I saw 5sos last week and I'm SHITTING MYSELF.

I had soundcheck tickets and was three rows back on Mikey's side. I made eye contact with Michael and with Luke while he was singing girls talk boys (FuCK). Then later they sang an extra song, which happens to be one of my faves (if you don't know 😍). Then Luke Hemmings fucking WaVEd tO mE. I'm still dying.

Anyways, it was the best night ever and it's always amazing to see the people that saved you (:

(I put a clip of Jet Black Heart live cause I was genuinely sobbing while they performed that song so enjoy!)

As always, thank you for your love and support!

All the love,
R xx}

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