Character ask

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Here are the answers to all your burning questions (:

@theycallmeclifford : you're so nice to Luke, omg you're so cute together. Would you like to eat pizza with me? - Thank you so much but he's the cute one haha. I could literally go on for hours about how precious he is! But yes, I would love to eat pizza with you sometime love! The combination of you, talking about Luke, and eating pizza sounds nice!

@-bbsans: will you pls cuddle me and call me babygirl because I'm sad as hell and don't know what to do with my life. - Aww, I'm sorry that you're sad baby girl. We can cuddle anytime you want and talk this out. Riley also is around to talk to you about anything (: I love you babe, I hope you feel better.

@JasmineBayly: hello Mikey Mouse how are you have you been treating my baby Luke well if you haven't somethin is coming your way. Can we be besties and I can dye your hair all the time please it would be a honor I love you bb stay happy with my baby boy bye!!! - I've been treating Luke really well I think and he's always really happy around me! Oh my gosh, I would love that be besties! It'd be amazing to have you die my hair, I really need to change the color soon! I love you too darling! (Ps. My baby boy, not yours! <3)

@theycallmeclifford: can I have a hug? - of course! You can have millions and millions and millions *deep breath* and millions of hugs! Just don't tell Mikey, he doesn't really like it when I hug other people. He said my hugs are his only.

@theycallmeclifford: do you like Michael? - of course I do! He's my bestest friend in the entire world! He's so pretty and nice and always cuddles with me and he sings to me. He's my favorite person in the whole wide world! In the whole universe!

@-bbsans: hi baby boy!!! How have you been? Has Michael been treating you well? Okay, I love you!! <3 - hi! I've been really good, Mikey just took me to the park a few minutes ago! Mikey has been really really nice to me and he's always so nice to me so yes! I love you too pretty girl <3 (-:

@JasmineBayly: Hi my beautiful baby boy, how's my wittle baby doing? Good? I hope so. Is your mum still not happy about your lip ring and are you enjoying it? I love you bby bye (p.s can we be best friends forever and cuddle all the time please :3 ) - hello! I'm doing wonderful because me and Mikey just had a lot of fun at the park. Mummy isn't very happy about it but I love it! I'm just like Mikey now and it looks pretty on my lips! I love you miss! (p.p.s yes we totally can!)

@theycallmeclifford: can you please marry Ashton? I don't care if you don't know him. - Ashton as in my hot as fuck neighbor? Girl, if I could even work up the nerve to talk to the gorgeous little shit, I'd marry that fine ass instantly. Oh! It's his birthday today! Brb, buying him everything he's ever wanted in the world so he'll love me. Bye love <3

Mrs. Hemmings:
@theycallmeclifford: do you like Michael? - of course I do! He's such a sweet boy and is so close to my baby boy. I am a bit upset about the piercing thing but he just did it to make Luke happy, which he is so I can't complain.

Mrs. Clifford:
@theycallmeclifford: do you like Luke? - Oh my goodness! Of course I do! He is so precious and adorable. I feel like it's impossible to not like him!

@theycallmeclifford: would you let Luke date Michael if he was 18? - I really don't know, he doesn't seems like he can't be in an actual relationship but they're so close to each other and maybe Luke really likes Michael. I think that's up to them to figure out but I won't stop it if it happens.

@theycallmeclifford: How can you write so good? - idek man. I thought I was complete shit tbh lol. I just kinda went for it and I was fucking awful at first but quickly learned what to fix and how to make it better but, of course, I've got a lot more to still learn :)

@JasmineBayly: Hey bby how are you with everything, I know I can ask you this all the time but who cares. I love you bby <3 I love ya xx - well the whole cheating boyfriend thing has me stuck in bed and just eating chocolate even though I fucking hate chocolate lmao don't ask. So I guess I'm pretty shit honestly but I'm hoping it gets better! I love you too darling! Xx


All the love,
R x

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