Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Friends

Liz was completely pissed to say the least, she couldn't believe that I had take him to get a piercing done but Luke was happy and that's all I cared about.

The only bad thing is that Liz doesn't want me to be by Luke today as some sort of punishment. I already miss him.

I invited my friend Calum over to my new house instead of moping around until tomorrow. I haven't seen him in awhile anyways so why not?

So now I'm pulling a band shirt over my head and fixing up my room before he comes over. When I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I know it's him. He always just lets himself in.

"Are you naked?" He asks.

"Come in" I chuckle a bit as I plop down on my bed as he walks in.

"Hey mate" he smiled at me before plopping down on my lap. "How's my favorite boyfriend?" He asks playfully.

"Is there more than one? I'm hurt" I say in fake pain as I shove him off of me and onto the bed beside me.

"Well I want the blonde cutie next door to be my boyfriend as well" he hums.

I narrow my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm not letting that happen" I huff.

"Ohhhh, I sense possessiveness! Does my boy have a boy?!" He grins.

"No, no. Just close friends" I shake my head a bit. "I wish though" I mutter to myself.

"Oh! I heard that! My little Mikey has a crush!" Calum squeals, bouncing up and down on my bed.

"Yeah but it won't happen Cal, just drop it" I mumble with pink cheeks.

"What do you mean? Is this a self confidence thing cause I'd fuck you any day" he said.

"No, ew, Calum" I whine at him and shove his arm. "Gross!"

"We've done it before, shut up" he rolls his eyes. "Then what is it?"

"Yeah, let's keep bringing that up" I say sarcastically, huffing. "He's just...different."

"Different as in straight?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"No...well maybe...I don't know and I don't think he really does either" I shake my head. "He doesn't think like an 18 year old Cal, he's kinda like a child in an adult's body" I say quietly.

"So he acts like a little kid?" He asks.

"Basically, yes" I nod my head.

"Interesting" he hums. "And you can't date him because he doesn't understand relationships like that?" He asks and I nod my head. "But when you're around him, the way he acts only makes you fall harder for him?"

"You've hit the nail on the head Cal" I mutter as I lay back on the bed. "I'm so utterly screwed"

"Well I would tell you otherwise and encourage you but're fucking screwed" he breathes out.

"Gee, what would I do without you mate?" I scoff.

"Hey, we'll figure it out bud. We'll get you your Peter Pan"


"Mikey, can you help me? I wanna try something." Luke mumbled as he laid on my bed.

"What do you need help with Lukey Pukey?" I ask him gently as I continue to run my fingers through his soft hair.

"You know how you can play guitar?" He mumbled and I nodded. "Can you teach me?" He asks.

"I would love to buddy" I smile down at him and he sits up, clapping his hands excitedly.

I know learning how to play guitar isn't easy for a lot of people and I know it might be even harder for Luke but I don't want to doubt him and what he's capable of. He's a smart boy.

I sit up beside him and lean over, grabbing my guitar from beside my bed. I set it in front of Luke and he happily takes it, holding it properly.

"I tried to learn last year but I gave up after a little bit." He mumbles.

"Really? Well then this shouldn't be too hard yeah?" I smile softly at him.

He smiles back and nods his head a bit. After he explains to me what he knows, I help teach him the stuff that he doesn't which really wasn't all that much.

"Do you wanna play a song now? I can get up some tabs for you? Oh! We can do a One Direction song" I grin at him.

He squeals and nods his head eagerly and I happily grab my laptop, looking for some tabs for him. I find some for the song History and he cheers, saying he loves that song.

He gives it a few tries and I help him out but he quickly gets frustrated, huffing when he can't get his fingers to move fast enough. He pouts up at me and I send him an encouraging smile.

I pull him into my lap, keeping the guitar in his lap as he looks back at me questioningly. I have an idea.

"How about you strum the right cords and I'll do everything up on the neck alright?" I ask and he smiles, nodding his head.

We soon start the song then as he strums the correct cords and I move my fingers along the frets making it actually sound like the song.

Luke smile happily humming along quietly until we get to the chorus and he begins to start singing the words.

"You and me got a whole lot of history. We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen. You and me got a whole lot of history. So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever." He sings along happily, my eyes wide as I listen to him.

Holy fuck, his voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I have never heard anything as truly amazing as that.

Sure, he sang to me that one day in my backyard but his voice was quiet and soft, he was really nervous to sing for me but this time he didn't hold back I'm so in love with his true voice.

"Luke, that was amazing" I grin at him as I stop playing and his cheeks turn bright red as he looks at me.

"You really think so?" He asks shyly and I kiss his cheek gently.

"Absolutely" I mumble against his soft skin before pulling back.

He blushes even more and buried his face in my neck making me smile softly, placing my hand on the small of his back.

We stay there in comfortable silence, just holding on to each other until I hear short and slow breaths leaving his mouth. He fell asleep.

I gently lay him down on the bed and get up to move the guitar off the bed but he clutched me tightly to him, not letting me out of his grasp.

I chuckle at him quietly, carefully moving it with my foot until it reaches the floor, the noise a lot quieter than I expected luckily.

I then focus on cuddling him, my hands playing with my hair and my eyes scanning over his face as he sleeps peacefully, a small smile on his lips.

"I'm falling so hard for you baby boy" I sigh as I look at him. "And I have no idea what I'm gonna do about it"

Yo, it's your girl Riley here and I just got cheated on for the second time this year. I love my life!!1!1!!

Anyways, I wrote this to try and get out of my funk and it kinda worked I guess cause my own character's love life gives me hope (kinda pathetic, I know!)

Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna eat my own weight in ice cream. I love you guys!

All the love,
R x}

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