Dream coming true

117 5 3

You shrieked for a good two minutes.

In your reflection, you saw a cute anime version of yourself. You stood, frozen with shock.How could this happen? There was this strange fact and the fact that you couldn't remember the events that took place as to what you could only assumed was yesterday within the real world. Your life had done a summer-salt and as much as you had no desire to live in the real world and said you would love to live in your own animated fantasy, this was completely unprecedented. As you stood on the soft bath mat beneath your feet, water dripping off you while starring into the mirror, you had no idea what to do or think about the situation you had found yourself in.

As you look to your left to find a second towel rack, opposite to the one you grabbed your towel off, you saw a Teiko uniform. It was ironed without a crease insight hanging on a coat hanger. You still remembered that same uniform from the anime you were so engrossed in, the same symbols from the manga you read one million times over.

You stood, questioning why you could remember everything that happened before you turned on your phone. A sly smile spread across your face as you thought of all the things that you could achieve while living within this world, thinking of all the things you've ever wanted to do. 

Switch in lives (Akashi x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora