Chapter 8, Meeting anew

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You arrive at school on Monday. The hickey was visible on your neck, just as planned. Today was special, you were going to make it special. 

As you walked into the half filled class space, you saw Kuroko waiting expectantly. You placed a smile on your face and walked over to him. As you sat in your chair you looked to him and opened your mouth to speak.

He cut you off, "Are you busy today? If not, did you want to come to practice?"

Kuroko was sitting the opposite side to your hickey so he couldn't see it yet. You were glad, "I'm not busy, so of course I can!"

"Great, we'll walk there together." His eyes were almost glowing.

In the afternoon you had still managed to hide the hickey from anyone you didn't want to see it with simple tricks. You and Kuroko had different classes for the last class so when you got out you planned on walking over to his class. But as you got out, he was already waiting for you. You exchanged small conversation until you reached the gym. 

When you got into the gym you used the girls locker room to change into casual clothing because the uniform was always a tad annoying. The clothing revealed your neck and collarbone. There was no possible way to hide the hickeys from all the curious eyes. 

As you walked out, you could also see Kuroko walking out from getting changed. You walked over to him with a smile plastered on your face. 

"(L/N)-San! What happened to you? Are they bruises on your neck? Who did this?" He was freaking out as soon as he spotted them. 

"Calm down, Kuroko. They aren't bruises." His face seemed relieved and then a slight bit of...Anger?

"A-are they..." He paused and braced for the answer, "H-hickeys?"

You laughed nervously and adverted your eyes. You waited for him to say something. Nothing was said. Instead he was mustering up courage. He pushed you against the wall and started kissing you hungrily. It was passionate and full of love but was also aggressive with a hint of need. You moved your lips in motion with him as soon as you realized what was happening. He pulled back when he required air. Then he caught his breath and was about to kiss your neck, replacing the already made hickeys with his own to mark you as his but then he was called. 

"Kuroko, where the hell are you? Practice is starting." Kuroko raced onto the court without what sounded like Akashi noticing him. 

"I was here all along" He called from the court.

'How sneaky' You thought. But Akashi must of heard your breathing because you could hear footsteps getting louder. You started walking away from the wall and towards the court. You went around the corner and bumped into Akashi's chest. 

"And who might you be?" His eyes were already different colours and he was starring down at you to try and intimidate you. It wasn't working. 

"Why does that concern you?" You were going to stand up to Akashi. 

He seemed annoyed, "Well it concerns me because the basketball club has the gym today which means you shouldn't be here. 

You could see Kuroko coming up from behind him because he probably heard the commotion. 

"(L/N)-San is my friend, I invited her here." Kuroko gave an innocent look to the captain. 

"Oh, so you decided that you're so good that you are allowed to have distractions now." The captain was now trying to intimidate Kuroko.

"She isn't a distraction, she's here to cheer me on and make me feel better." Akashi suddenly looked interest.

"I'll leave then considering I'm such a nuisance." You went to walk pass them with your bag slung over your shoulder but your wrist was yanked back. 

"No, you are here now so I wish for you to stay." Bingo, Akashi was already starting to fall into place. 

You watched the practice until the end and cheered on all of them except Akashi. He looked at you occasionally but you pretended not to notice. At the end of practice you were about to get into your car when you heard someone call your name. You continued getting into the car. You shut the door but it was immediately yanked open. His heterochromatic eyes starring down at you. 

"You dare disobey me?" He tried to hold a stern expression but dropped when you laughed.

"I have no rules that say I have to obey you!" You continued to laugh.

He straightened his posture again, "Pushing that aside. I would like you to come to my house now."

This spiked your interest. Why did he want you there? 

"Why? Why do you want me there? Why should I?" He simply starred at you while you questioned his choices.

An amused look crossed his face. "Why don't you come and find out?" He simply smirked.

Damn, he had you there. "I can't, my driver is already here. I can't go with you."

Scarlett turned around. "I don't mind, please go with him." Damn that Scarlett!

You gave a small glare his way, "Fine. I'll go" Akashi smiled at the answer.

You got out of the car and made you way to his. He opened the door for you. You got in followed by him. The driver already knew where to go so when the door was closed the car started in motion. As the car was speeding towards it's destination Akashi ran his hands along your neck where you assumed the hickeys were. You flinched.

 "And who would these be from?" He spoke gently but it still had force within it. "Surely it wouldn't be from one of my team? I would have to punish them."

You pushed his hand away, "That's none of your business and why would you have to punish them? They didn't do anything wrong if one did give me this."

He looked take aback but simply started smirking as per normal. "Because I've taken an interest in you, you are mine now. I won't let anyone else have you, not even anyone on my team."

You slightly blushed but you hid it. "I'm not yours or anyone elses. Stop pushing yourself onto me."

"Even if you don't think it now, I will make sure you are mine."

In what seemed like the short period of time that you two were talking you had arrived at the Akashi mansion. It stood out from miles away. Akashi got out and simply offered you a hand to take. You hesitantly put your hand in his and he softly yanked you out. You were here, you were at Akashi Seijuro's house. 


Okay, I know I haven't made Akashi introduce himself yet but this is apart of the plan. So~ have fun. Cha Nee 

P.S. Sorry about cutting Kuroko off. Please don't hate me!~ I'll make it up to you.

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