Chapter 5, I sense jealousy?

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It was the same ordeal as yesterday. Get up, have a shower, eat the still warm breakfast, finish getting ready and get into the car for Scarlett to drive you to school. You thought about who you were going to meet today on your way to school and how you planned of wiggling your way into their thoughts. Just as you were about 10 minutes from the school, Scarlett looked behind and spoke.

"(L/N)-Sama, we are going to an agency before I drop you off at school. That's if this doesn't take too long. The agency has told me they would like to hire you to model with them. I think it is wise so I will take you there. You'll meet your partner, find out what you have to do and what the payments will be like, not that you are short on money. You, after all run the biggest company in the world right now. You then get to decide if you wish to take on this opportunity."

You frown but then think that this might not be so bad.

As you arrive at the fortress protruding in the sky. People rushed in and out. The door was opened and you stepped out. As you stepped out, a pair of clothes was handed to you and you were led to a bathroom. Assuming this meant for you to get changed, you did. As you came out, your arm was pulled along again but into a room this time.

You sat on a comfy chair and looked up to see a person starring at you.

"I see, she has the looks, looks like she can work well with others." He mumbled to himself.

"E-excuse me" You were confused.

"Ah, sorry. I'm Kyo, I'm the director of this company. I was just examining you and you seem worthy. I'll give you the details. We don't have set time for shoots but we arrange them a week earlier then we have the shoot. You will have a designated partner and each shoot you will earn 20 000 yen. I'll now invite your partner in for you to meet before you make your decision."

He walked out while you tried to process everything. Before you knew it, someone tall stood before you. You smirked on the inside. You may have already had a plan, but there was nothing wrong with going to plan B.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kise." He slightly bowed.

You stood up and bowed too, "My pleasure, I'm (L/N) (F/N)"

"If you decide to work here, then I'll be your partner for shoots. I'll take good care of you. My last partner walked out but I'm glad she did because now I have an even more beautiful partner to do shoots with."

"I don't know yet if I want to work here" You heard a small moan from the tall blond.

You look up to see him pouting at you, "And just when I thought I could enjoy taking couple photos for once" he trailed off.

You could use this to your advantage. The couple photos could bring you closer to him and you could wrap him around your finger.

"I don't know, I think I would look dim next to you..."

"No you wouldn't, we would be the perfect couple!"

"I-if you say so." The director walked in without you realizing, "I'll do it"

"Great!" You flinched. He was loud. "How's a shoot tomorrow? I know I said a week but I want to get you two out to the world!"

"I can do it as long as Kise agrees"

"I'll come if you are" He winked at you.

You decided to go to school. You got dropped off, signed in and made your way to class. As you arrived the lunch bell rang. Kuroko walked up to you. He looked worried but didn't say anything.

"(L/N)-San, I wanted to invite you to practice again tomorrow afternoon if you aren't busy?" He blurted out while looking away.

You were thank for for an excuse as it would ruin your plans if you were to go. "Sorry, but I have to do a shoot tomorrow with Kise."

His face contorted after hearing that. "I see." He sounded kind of angry. No, not angry. Jealous? Did I sense Jealousy? He walked away and so did you.

The day carried on and you didn't speak to him after that point. He would come back to you. You just knew it. So you went the whole day without as much of a mutter. You then went home and repeated yesterdays events. You had to rest early, you had a big day tomorrow with the shoot and you had one more hitch in the road before you were fully on the right track. Watch out Midorima.

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