Chapter 12, The best day

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After Kuroko's place you were exhausted and skipped dinner. You went straight to bed. In the morning you awoke to the beautiful sunshine descending down and lightly kissing your cheek. Today was going to be the day. You would make sure of it. You skipped around the house in a cheerful manner. You continued usual routine. Once you got to the drive way and walked down Scarlett looked at you confused.

"(L/N)-Sama, why are you so happy today if I may ask?" Your smile widened.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll hear about it sooner or later." He looked even more confused.

You arrived at school and greeted everyone you knew happily on your way to class. Once in class, you greeted your classmates in the same way. Even Kuroko. You sat down to have a conversation with him which would normally be awkward after the events that had occurred. You didn't care though. You were too happy to care.

After all your classes that seemed to fly by, you followed Kuroko to basketball practice. Instead of going up and siting in the stands you went to wait outside the male changing room doors. There was only one person who wasn't in there. Everyone else was on there gym uniform, all eyes were on you until you left. You were trapped in thought and then the door opened. Akashi came out.

"Akashi!" You spoke to him to get his attention. He seemed surprised but then his face was mutual again. "I-I just wanted to say.... I'm interested in y-you too." You watched his eyes widen and you then ran but to the court. When you got there, everyone walked up to you.

Aomine was first to speak, "(F/N),"

Then it was Kise, "We all have something to ask you."

Murasakibara didn't falter to speak, "Did it all mean nothing?"

You panicked, "I brought you lucky items everyday as an act of love." Midorima.

Kuroko's face looked kind of sad, "We did that act together, but from what I've heard, I wasn't the only one. So who do you choose?"

You felt arms wrap around your waist. Kuroko had just spoiled your last card in the plan. What were you supposed to do now?

"It doesn't matter what you did with her as that is in the past, she now belongs to me. All of your gestures mean nothing. She said she is interested in me, that is like a love confession. All get back to practice." At that point in time, you realized that you didn't need to play that card. As they all walked away to start practice, you realized you had gotten all that you wanted, all that you had dreamed of. You finally had Akashi, no arguing, no making him you want you more like you use to want. No, this is what you wanted. You were smiling like a fool. He looked down at you.

"How about we celebrate today? I'll go get treats from down the road?"

Akashi now smiled. "That sounds nice, but don't take too long or I will have to punish you." He then winked.

You had walked halfway to the shops but you had to cross a road. You then heard car breaks shrieking, a horrifying memory came back to you. That sound was oh so familiar. At that point in time, you remembered. You remembered how you almost go hit but blacked out before then. Instead of pain and darkness this time, you saw a light. There was then a gate in front of you and a person that took form of your old body.

"W-where are we?" You hoped the other knew more then you.

"It's okay, you're safe." Her voice was like your but a little sweeter. "I'll explain. When you were in your world and got almost hit by a car, you blacked out. The car stopped and didn't hit you but the only reason was a distort in space and time. When you didn't get hit by the car you did switch lives with me. You are currently living my life as I am living yours. The only way I know this is before I went to your world, I ended up here and a person I didn't know explained. We now have the chance to take back our lives again."

You didn't say a word. You were shocked, taking it all in. You then broke out of your state. "But I like this life. It was like starting a new, I got to build new bonds. What if I want to stay." She simply smiled.

"I was hoping you would say that. See, in my world, I was shy and almost unaccepted so I didn't speak to others but in your life, I feel like myself. If you wish to stay as me then I will wish to stay as you and we can enter the same doors again and continue living this life. The life of our dreams." Her face looked like it was pleading but lit up when you nodded your head. She then turned on her heel and walked through the door. No other words were spoken and so you did the same.

You a woke with a car stopped in front of you. You were still standing. You simply jogged over the other side of the road while the driver was still shocked. You continued walking. This was by far the best day. You got the snacks and headed back. Once you arrived everyone came to eat snacks. Akashi invited you for dinner which you accepted. All the boys looked envious but didn't dare say a word. You knew you would stay friends with these basketball dorks. You thanked the different dimension you for agreeing. She had made all your dreams become reality. This was now your life and you were content with living here.


Wow, end of story. I don't know if anyone wants anymore after story. If so, I might make a second book. But that'll be once I finish my Haikyuu book. Thank for reading it and supporting me, daisuki!

Cha nee

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