Chapter 2, Meeting of the phantom

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While scanning over the class, you see a streak of blue pass your vision. You quickly revert your eyes back to where you saw the teal colour. You stood there confused as you saw Kuroko Tetsuya, you thought he was meant to be hard to find and was always disappearing. If this was the case, how come you saw him so easily? 

"(L/N)? (L/N)!" The teacher sounded irritated at your lack of attention toward them.

You quickly flick your head towards the teacher. She was kind of tall, skinny and pretty, she had blonde long hair down to her waist, deep blue eyes and her skin was flawless. You couldn't help but sigh at the teacher who, if was back in your universe would probably be an old lady at the age of 70.

She pointed a long manicured finger at a desk that had a blue and white design placed on the top. You smirked at how luck you had already got. You slowly walked over to the desk and plopped yourself down. You looked to your right with the smirk still on your face. You had got the seat next to Kuroko. You slowly nudge toward him as he was still reading his book and not paying any attention to you. You place on a shy girl act hoping this would work in your favor. In the anime and in the manga, you saw the bubbly Momoi try and hit on him to no avail. Maybe he liked shy girls.

"U-Um" Kuroko looked to you and you gave a slight look away to give you the shy look, "I'm (L/N) (F/N), n-nice to m-meet you.

Kuroko's face had been painted a slight rosy-pink. He starred for what seemed like at least 10 minutes but you knew it was only seconds. It was working, you had him right where you want him. 

"N-nice to meet you, (L-L/N)-san".

The teacher cleared her throat, "Everyone, we have a new transfer. (L/N), please introduce yourself to the class."

You stood up, you continued the shy girl act because you could feel Kuroko's stare on you and you didn't want him to think you were lying to him by not being shy to the class but to him. 

"U-um, I'm (L/N) (F/N) and I like reading" You glance over at Kuroko to see him smiling at your statement. "I just transferred from..." Great, you didn't know what to say, the anime and manga said nothing about primary school and it's not like you knew any off the top of your head, not that they would exist in this world. Think (F/N), think! "Well, I was home schooled. Thank you." You sat down and sighed a sigh of relief. You had saved yourself, barely. Kuroko looked over to, you caught this in the corner of your eye. You slowly turned your head to face him, he blushed and looked away. The teacher spoke up to signify that class had started. Kuroko was starring at you again, he was your chance, he was your ticket to help you achieve your ultimate goal. 

Switch in lives (Akashi x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora