Chapter 4, the 'fateful' meeting~

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Class dragged on and on as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Learning about the carbon footprint was not something you would choose to learn about of your own free will. But you got excited as it was nearing the end of the day. You had a small lunch break and another class and then you could meet all of the generation of miracles. You devised your attack strategy. Go in, try to 'hide' from them all but you knew they couldn't contain their excitement. But then again, who could when you meet a new person? 

Kuroko had held your hand all class and was still holding it as he pulled you along to a spot where he thought would be suitable for you two to sit. He came to a halting stop when he heard a voice call out. 

"Kurokocchi! ~" You automatically knew who it was without having to look. 

You hadn't devised a plan to meet him yet, so within the spare of the moment, you slipped your hand from Kuroko's and left. As much as you may not have planned out how to meet Kise, you knew another that you had planned out. 

You pulled up your bra to readjust as you thought that since coming to the anime world, your boobs have grown. They were huge. But that was just your luck because you knew a certain person loved big boobs. This was your plan and you knew it would work. 

You climbed up the latter and put a lost look on your face for Aomine to see. And as you had planned, there he was, sleeping like usual. You crept up next to him.

"U-um. Excuse me" You glanced down at him. 

"Shut up." His eyes were closed still, "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep."

One of his eyes then slowly opened, you push your boobs together to make them seem bigger. 

"Sorry to disturb you then" You start to leave knowing he'll call you back to get another glance.

As if on cue, "Wait, what did you want?" 

"O-oh, I was just lost in all. I wanted to ask if you could help me" He looked down to your boobs and back up again.

"I'll help you but I want something in return" He smirked.

"W-w-what would that be?" You expected him to stare but you didn't expect this. 

"If I show you, you have to let me touch your boobs" You eyes widened, 'so sneaky' you thought to yourself.


"Seriously?" He looked surprised.

You nod, he stands up. He comes over and places his hands on your chest. You blush and look away.

He leans in slightly and whispers in your ear, "So where am I taking you".

You receive shivers up your spin. Curse him. You show him the paper and he takes you to your next class. He leaves as soon as you arrive without so much of a goodbye. The silence between you was awkward as he would stare at your chest, blush and look away. He was hooked.

After continuous questions from Kuroko as to where you disappeared to while he wasn't looking, you had done your work and finished class. Kuroko took your hand tighter this time so you couldn't go anywhere and escorted you to the gym. When you arrived, you pulled out the phone the driver had gave you and dialed the number under the contact as Scarlett. You explained the situation to him and he agreed to pick you up later. You walked into the gym. But it was different.

Nobody was here. Aomine wasn't here, Midorima wasn't, Akashi was missing in action, Kise was also not here and Murasakibara was no where to be seen. You then spotted Kuroko speaking with the coach.

"Kuroko, where is everyone?" You looked confused.

"Practice is called off. Akashi-kun has... Family issues to sort out, Kise-kun was called in to do a shoot, Aomine-kun hasn't turned up because he's probably sleeping, Midorima-kun had something to do apparently and Murasakibara-kun is out buying snacks. These are the main people of our team that I wanted to introduce you to but they aren't here so I can't. I'm sorry for dragging you along."

You felt relieved, you weren't ready to meet all of them. You needed to meet them one by one for your plan to work. "Oh, it's okay. I don't like crowds anyway." You had dropped the shy act around him, making him think you were comfortable around him but you still had to pretend you were shy so he thought you weren't lying.

"Right, will I see you tomorrow then?" He looked hopeful

"Of course" You stepped away and called your driver. He arrived and you headed home. When you got home, it was almost sun down due to the distance you lived from the school. You ate your pre-made dinner, did homework and had a shower before you went to bed. You were eager to go to school to continue on your plan so you fell asleep as soon as you could. Everything was going as planned, everyone in the palm of your hand. 

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