Chapter 1, Just messing around

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You slip into your uniform, it fit just perfectly. Not too baggy but not too tight either. You step out into the kitchen, eat breakfast and prepare to leave. As you were looking into the fridge for breakfast, half expecting it to be empty, you found a note on a lunch box. The note had stated;"Your breakfast is in the oven to keep warm and here is your lunch for today. Dinner will be ready when you come home." It was in pretty cursive but there was no signature at the bottom or any clue as to whom had left it there. It would be strange to have parents in this world and if it was your parents, where are they now. There was so many questions that were jumping around within your mind, but it was like you were going to get the answer anytime soon, so you just let the thought go.

As you put your lunch into your bag and slowly slipped on your shoes, the realization hit you that you didn't know your way to school. The anime and manga never showed the actually way to Teiko. You thought for a moment and decided to just ask strangers that passed by to show you the way. As you stepped out of the double doors that led to your house, there was a black car with a person waiting by the door out the front of your drive way. He was dressed in a black suit with white gloves, black formal shoes and his light gray hair slicked back to give the 'professional' finish.

You slowly approached the car. The drive opened the door for you to step inside.

"I'll be your driver for today. I'll take you to and from school, as of today and everyday after. I believe you have the lunch that May, the maid has made for you?" The driver spoke in a deep voice.

You shook your head up and down in response, not knowing what to say to the man.

"Very well, I am Scarlett Aki." The man spoke again. "Miss (L/N), please step into the car so we can head to your school."

You slumped yourself comfortably into the car, and starred at the driver. You forgot how unusual the hair colours were in this show. Even though the man only looked to be in his twenties, he had gray hair. He was a tall man from what you had seen, a very fine jaw line and honestly really attractive. 'Why is everyone in this damn show attractive?' you thought to yourself.

Half an hour later of driving and you had arrived at the school. The driver opened your door as you slipped out. You thanked him and he drove away. You looked towards the school gate to see someone standing there looking around. You made your way towards the gate, planning to ignore them.

"Excuse me, are you (L/N) (F/N)? You look like the student in the photo." You nodded, "Great, then you're our new transfer. Come with me please."

You followed behind her only to end up in the office. She gave you an approving nod and left you to stand there.

"(L/N) (F/N)" a man in slightly formal clothing called to you, you walked into the room.

After 2 bells signally classes that you had missed had gone off and 45 minutes of paper work, scratch that, signing, you were free to finally go. A student was called over the loud speaker and turned up only a couple of minutes after. The escorted you to class. You peep in, all the eyes were on you because of the loud noise that the door had made when you opened it. You skimmed over all the students around you. You took notice of everyone and thought; 'this is where the fun begins'.

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