Chapter 3, meeting of the titan!

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As class had ended and it was time for lunch you decided that you would mess around with another of the generation of miracles. You had come prepared with everything you needed to get their attention on the day. As you walked, you saw a person big enough to be a baby titan from Attack on Titan. You pulled out a packet of chips and started walking while pretending to look at the ground. You then 'accidentally' bump into Murasukibara. You slowly lift your head and bow. He starred at you. You apologized and then opened your bag as only to pull out a range of snacks that you had given to you by your driver Scarlett at your request on the way to school.

You held out the snacks' "Please accept these as an apology for me bumping into you."

His eyes twinkled at the sight of all the snacks you were offering him. He took them.

As you were about to walk away thinking you could keep playing at this until he noticed you, but he pulled your arm back.

"Do you have friends? Why don't you stay with me for a while?" He looked away, you had him right where you want him.

"S-sure, if you don't mind that is?"

"Of course not, I offered but do you have anymore snacks?" He spoke lazily.

You smiled, "Sure". You pull out more snacks and sat with him until the bell ran signalling class. You had waved good bye and slowly tried to find your way to class.

As you were walking, you sighed in defeat as it was hopeless to find your class. You were lost and people were rushing past you to try and reach their next class, so it wasn't like you could ask them. Then you felt a hand around your wrist pulling you. You looked to find the teal hair and light skin. Kuroko was tugging you to class, he didn't say anything.

You arrived at class before the teacher, who was super late. You heard kids mutter around you at how he was always late to science, mostly only 15 minutes though. You stood in the class glad that he was late.

"(L/N)-San, what are you doing this afternoon?" He looked curious.

You blushed, trying to be shy again. "N-nothing, why?"

"I was wondering if y-you would like to come watch me practice." The inner you screamed with joy at his words.

"I wouldn't want to annoy you" You were being modest, not scheming this time.

He blushed, "You wouldn't annoy me, i-it would be comforting having you there"

"I-if that's what you want, then sure." You smiled as the teacher walked in. As the teacher said his hellos to the class in a monotone voice, you felt a warm presence around your hand. You looked to see Kuroko holding your hand and looking away from you. You didn't remember him being this bold in the manga. But, you didn't mind. He was dancing in the palm of your hand.

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