Chapter 10, pocky games all round.

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You tried to avoid Kise as much as possible the next day. Yes it was your plan but that didn't make it any less awkward.

You went to all of your classes are per usual but at lunch you decided to sit with Murasakibara instead because you hadn't interacted with him much since you met him. As you found your way to where he sat, you checked to make sure you had snacks for him. You opened a bag of chips before actually arriving. You loved that about Murasakibara, you could eat snacks with him and not be judged for it. He was nice too, a little childish but it was playful. As you sat down, you saw a pockey stick in front of your face held out by Murasakibara and an idea popped into your head.

"Feed it to me" You spoke to him without saying hi first.

"Why would I?" Murasakibara said lazily. 

"Pwease?" You put on a childish voice with pleading eyes. 

"Fine." His hand moved it towards your mouth. 

"I want you to feed it to me with your mouth." He was taken aback.

"(L/N)-Chin, what's gotten into you." His voice held a little more energy. 

"I just want to play the pockey game with you!" He saw your childish pout that was adorable and placed the non-chocolate end in his mouth before leaning to you so that you could have the other end. As you both bit it, your faces slowly made their way to each other. Your soft lips touched his and he was about to pull away when your hand reached up and pulled him back to deepen the kiss. He slowly opened his mouth as your tongue tried to make it's way through. You kissed for a while before pulling away for air. 

"(L/N)-Chin tastes sweet." His voice was soft and lazy.

"Are you trying to enrage me, Atsushi? You should know that this woman is my property." He lent down to his ear and whispered; "If you touch her again, I'll have to punish you. We don't want that, now do we?"

Murasakibara slowly looked up but looked back down immediately. He shook his head like a kid in trouble. Akashi then grabbed your wrists and started pulling you away. 

"Akashi Seijuro! Stop this instant and let me go back to him!" You struggled again Akashi's grasp but it was to no avail. 

"Are you trying to hurt me? I already said you were mine. Then I find you kissing one of my team members and you have another set of hickeys up your neck!"

"That's none of your business and I'm not yours! Where are you taking me?" You were still struggling.

"We are going back to my house. My father wishes to meet you."

You were tugged along into the car. The whole drive there as Akashi tried to talk to you, you just starred out the window. It took all you had to not pounce on Akashi and taking him right now but for your plan, you couldn't do that. Akashi simply wanted another person he could control, but you wanted a relationship with him. 

You arrived at the gates and they opened to allow the car to come in. The car door was then opened. This time a gloved hand came to assist you out. You took it more willingly then you would Akashi's. The hand belonged to a beautiful maid. She didn't let go until she had escorted you to a room. She knocked and the door opened. She took a bow expecting you to go in. You did.

As you walked into the room, you saw a man who looked like an older version of Akashi. It was his father.

"(L/N) (F/N)? Please take a seat, my son has told me that he has taken an interest in you." You sat at the table across from him.

"Thank you, Mr Akashi." You bowed your head slightly.

"So tell me about your family, I simply can't have my son keeping tabs on just anyone." You felt a strong presence behind you and knew it was Akashi. 

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't have a family." You glanced behind and sure enough, it was him.

"Where are they all?" He looked interested, as interested as an Akashi could look anyway.

"They all died." Your face remained stoic.

"I see, how are you living then? Did they leave you money? Or maybe you have a jo-" You cut him off.

"I made my own business that is now big." You remember Scarlett telling you about how you made the business and all the success you had. You now owned the biggest company in Japan and the second biggest in the world. He seemed confused when you had said you didn't remember but didn't push further. 

"And which business would that be?" He continued unfazed. 

"It's called the Apolloyon business, named after a god." His face now displayed a little discomfort.

Are you sure that that is your business? It's the only business bigger then the Akashi business and I refuse to believe that I am beaten by a mere high school student."

As you were about to say something to defend yourself, you heard a familiar voice.

"I would prefer for you not to talk about the head of the Apolloyon business like that!" Scarlett then glared at Seijuro, "And I would like to kindly ask that you do not take her out of school against her will." You smiled brightly. 

As you jumped out of the chair to be taken back to school by Scarlett, Mr Akashi spoke. 

"You've made a very interesting choice, Seijuro. I will see that you continue to purse her." 

Within hearing that, you left. You still weren't satisfied that he would take you as a girlfriend yet. He needed one more push. One that would drive him crazy.


Thanks for reading, yo. Have fun reading this at whatever time you do! And thanks for the support. Cha nee~!

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