The Games

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Sorry I haven't been updating I had writers block but I am now going to update weekly or whenever I feel like it but I won't keep you guys waiting!

I wake up in the morning and I see clothes already left for me it is 8:00. I am going to the games today.

Cinna comes in and tells me good luck. I get on the hovercraft and they put a needle in me and they say it is a tracker to see where I am in the arena.

When I get to the place where they send me p the tube I see cinna and I tell him I don't want to go. He just tells me he can't do anything and if he could bet he would bet on me. I start to get raised up with my mockingjay pin. It stops I am losing air I can't breathe then it becomes black.


Sorry for such a short chap.

Will she die is she dead who knows?

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