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Word count: 3131

Original: 1095.

"Are you okay?" I asked Sam in a whisper. He nodded slightly, his head low. He sniffled as a tear escaped his eyes. I took a deep breath feeling helpless. I need to help him! I looked at the motion in my peripheral vision, noticing the teacher entering the room. She looked noticeably confused by the lack of noise. "Follow me," I instructed Sam whispering once again. I quickly stood and headed for the teacher. She smiled in greeting and happily accepted my get-out-of-jail-free card. She read it before nodding presumably expecting me to take my seat. "I'm sorry but I have to excuse myself and Sam," I explained as I looked at Sam to notice he hadn't followed me as I instructed him to. She looked between us slightly confused before nodding and letting us go. I smiled happily. "Thank you," I added as I waited for Sam as he rose from his seat and followed me out of the door confused.

"How did you do that?" Sam asked as we walked further into the hallway and away from the classroom. "Mrs Andrews doesn't even let students go to the bathroom," He explained, he tried hiding his sorrow in his tone but it was as obvious as a billboard.

"I have a pass," I shrugged and slowed my pace as we entered the stairwell. I took a seat on the top step and Sam sighed as he sat beside me. "Are you okay?" I asked softly, afraid I would hurt him with my words.

Sam sighed before replying.

"He's right, you know?" He commented as if it was obvious. I instantly thought of the douchebag who had given us grief and sighed. He's a bully and he's hurting Sam and his friend. Maybe Colby too. I waited for Sam to explain. He once again sighed and brought his legs up a step to hold them slightly, resting his chin on his knees. Looking at the way he was sitting and the expression on his face, he reminded me of Colby. The sadness radiated off of the both of them as if it was a shared aura. "Mason is right about me being a moron. He's right about everything he's ever said about me. I'm a nerd, I'm worthless, I'm pathetic, I'm a freak." Sam's words seemed to flow so easily. It was like he had said it a thousand times, and every time it still hurt him. Sam sighed as he hid his face on his knees. I waited in silence for a second.

"Mason isn't right. He's just belittling you so he appears bigger than he is. Just because he said horrible things doesn't mean they're true. Anyone can insult someone but accepting the insult as truth is wrong. The only thing pathetic about you is that you know Mason." I explained annoyed that he had to put up with Mason's words which swam in his head constantly. Sam didn't say anything but he was listening. "Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you," I quoted and Sam chuckled slightly. He lifted his head as he sniffled and wiped his eyes. He looked at me with puffy red eyes but his smile was true. I smiled weakly as I felt that sometimes words aren't enough and in this instance, I know it's not.

"Do you think my best friend will be okay?" He asked, his lips trembling as he prepared for the worst answer. I froze slightly but smiled.

"Why don't we go look for him?" I asked and Sam seemed to smile at the idea. He rose from his seat and offered me a hand up. He carefully pulled me up and we started walking at a fast pace around the building. I have no idea who I'm looking for but this is better than being in a classroom. Sam had his friends' timetable memorised, but when he wasn't in the classroom he was supposed to be in Sam grew a little anxious. A thought of Colby crossed my mind so I looked behind the stairs but he wasn't there, he must be in class. My smile faltered as I got hopeful I would see him again. Sam was getting more and more anxious the more we looked around, we had one final hallway before we had checked the whole school. Even I was getting nervous. If he's not in class and he's not in the hallways or toilets, where is he? I tried looking optimistic for Sam but he looked terrified. We rounded the corner and looked down the hallway, no one was there. Sam stopped in his tracks instantly, his breath hitching in my throat. I stopped to look at him, think think think!

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