Chapter 8

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When Sam, Colby and i made it to Art we were all laughing as we walked through the door. Instantly everyone in class turned to look at us. We took our seats smirking still. We got out our equipment for the lesson and got started. Mrs Moores was in a really good mood this lesson so didn't tell us off when the three of us just sat and did nothing. 

The bell rang and it was break. Today was going by pretty fast and i loved it. Because Sam, Colby and i had social next lesson we went out of school for break and they took me to some woods behind the school. I stepped over a large root which was sticking out of the ground. 

"Are you guys leading me out here to kill me or something?" I ask jokingly. Sam was leading ahead closely followed by Colby then me. Sam and Colby were too focused on not tripping that they ignored me. This continued for a good ten minutes. We got an opening and they slowed down. 

"What are we even doing here?" I asked but they ignored me again as they lay down on the grass and looked up at the sky which was frames with trees. I lay down beside Colby and i was hypnotized by the sky's amazing and vibrant colours and the clouds passing by without a care in the world. Out the corner of my eye i saw Colby turning his head to look at me. I turned to meet his gaze and we simply smiled at each other. 

I looked up a little and saw a large tree which i saw as a climbing frame. I ecstatically got up and ran to the tree. Sam and Colby stared at me confused. 

"Give me a boost." I said turning to them. They shrugged and walked over to where i was standing beside the tree. They put their hands together like a step ladder. I put my feet on their hands and on the count of three we pushed up and i grabbed the large branch. I pulled myself up and turned around so my stomach was on the branch. I reached my hand out and smiled reassuringly to the guys. Colby looked at Sam searching for answers. He turned back to me and grabbed my hand as we both pulled him up. Colby grabbed the branch next me and pulled himself the rest of the way up. He turned around and lay the way i was and we both reached out for Sam's hand. Sam complied and we all pulled him up. 

We all started climbing to the top of the tree. This tree was significantly taller than the rest so when we were close to the top we could look over all the other trees to see around the woods and at the school. I sat down on one of the branches making Sam and Colby stop climbing to see what i was looking at. Once they looked in my direction they instantly knew. 

It's beautiful!

The sky was turning a purple-y pink and mixed with the rest of the turquoise sky. Fighting to be the dominant colour. I was so taken back and speechless. It was mesmerizing.  Sam was also taken back by the sky but Colby was distract. He got out his phone and took a picture. At the sound of the camera shutter i turned my head and Colby took another picture. He was clearly taking a picture of me. I looked at him shocked and he playfully started quickly climbing down the tree. I followed him but i was a little faster and went a different way. I beat him to the bottom and i jumped down in front of him when he got there. 

I grabbed the phone from his back pocket and threw it to Sam in the tree. Sam put in Colby password and Colby tried climbing up to retrieve it. The branches were too high for Colby to reach on his own. Sam dropped down the phone to me and i went onto Colby's pictures where his camera roll had a load of pictures of me on it. They were pretty good. 

The last two pictures were off me sitting in the tree with the amazing sky in the background. I continued scrolling through: The next image was of me looking out of the window in Art; The next was of me smiling at something Sam said in Music... I was so shocked. I had no idea he was taking pictures of me never mind admiring me. 

I handed him back his phone shocked i stared at one space. This is so new to me! I went to stay something but my mouth couldn't form the words and i simply turned around and started walking back. I made it to the school still i couldn't rap my head around this. How do i talk to him normally again? It wasn't weird when we kissed but for some reason i didn't feel violated i felt fluttery like i enjoyed knowing he admired me. 

Am i weird? 

I walked through the school doors and who to see... Mason... 'Great!' i thought to myself sarcastically and mentally banging my head against the wall repeatedly. 

I tried walking past him and his wolf pack but he stepped out in front of me. 

"How's the eye?" I asked smugly, smirking like crazy. He glared at me hating that i didn't fear him. 

I shoved past him harshly pumping shoulders with him so he was pushed back a step. I continued walked as i felt his eyes stabbing knives into my soul, mentally he was killing me again and again i knew it. I loved it! 

Note to self: Getting into Mason's head is funner than punching him!

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