Chapter 24

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I waited a couple more hours till the end of school and ventured to the front of the school where I met up with Mason. He wasn't happy. He knew I had skipped classes so began giving me the silent treatment which was torturing him more than me. There were about 10 minutes of silence before he snapped.

"Where were you all day?" I sighed. Really he couldn't last another 10 minutes?

"I was studying by myself to catch up." I lied.

"Why didn't you go to class to learn?" He asked annoyed.

"I don't like being the stupid one because I missed so much when I couldn't come in." I lied again. I sometimes hate being such a good liar but I have to say. It does come in handy sometimes.

We went home and my sister was out so I said I was going to study some more but as soon as I got in my room and was all alone I climbed into bed and slept the day away. I was particularly tired I was just tired of life since I was having a hard day.

I was woken by my alarm in the morning and sighed as I got up and tested my ability by walking to the bathroom and standing the whole time as I was getting ready. Doctors have been telling me to find my limit but right now I'm just eager to get past my limit. I was getting better but I just wanted to run while everyone else expected me to crawl. When I was done getting ready I made my way to school with Mason who was blabbering on and on about something I didn't care about.

When we got to school the gang were already standing and talking about music and bands but as soon as I approached Colby gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes as he turned away and walked towards the school. Sam looked at me sympathetically before following after him.

"What's his problem?" Heather asked generally.

"I think he's on his period," I said a little annoyed but hid it behind the joke. Everyone slightly chuckled.

When the bell rang I ventured into the school and looked around at the bliss. No arguments. No fighting. Is Parker sick?

I ventured deeper into the school and still... No fights.

When the first class came I was looking around at everyone who walked through. The class had started and there was no sign of Parker. This is going to be the quietest day in the history of-

Wait! Parker came strutting into the class with a grin on his face but it was different. I could tell...

There was no other free seat in the room except the one beside me. Well, I know Heather's in school, I saw her this morning. I twisted in my seat to obviously stare at Parker as he sat in the seat beside mine. I stared directly at him. He looked at me confused but before he could say anything I chimed in.

"What made you so happy and how do I kill it?" I asked not wanting him to be happy the way he is right now. Or happy at all for that matter!

"Nothing." He said blankly with his eyes jumping around. He wouldn't make eye contact with me but when he did it was only for a split second at a time.

"You're a terrible liar you know that?" I asked looking at him with a face that told him I wasn't stupid.

"Fine, then... I got a new video game." He said lying again as he got out his books from his bags.

"What game?" I asked intimidatingly.

"Grand theft auto." He lied again. This time, I had proof.

"Oh, yeah? Well, then why do I know that you and Mason used to play GTA at your place?" I asked again pushing on for the truth.

"Well, It got scratched and I had to start again. Now can you be quiet so the lesson can start." He snapped.

"You have never cared about school. Why start now?" I pushed some more.

"Look, can you just drop it!" He shouted and everyone got a shock from the sudden shouting. I squinted a little trying to read him but he clenched his jaw and faced the front. I followed after and did the same.

The class went by quickly as I wasn't paying attention to the teacher but watching Parker as he smiled down at his book as he doodled... Can he draw? I couldn't see what he was doodling but whatever it was made him smile. A lot! The lesson ended and the sound of the bell shook Parker out of his daze and he quickly slammed his book shut. So, I couldn't see it as I stood up. I went to next class as I wondered about Parker. What if he's plotting against us? What if he's creating a master plan to embarrass us? I need to know what he's up to but I can't do it alone... Heather!

"Heather! You've got to help me. Parker is happy and it's freaking me out." I said panicking but she focused on walking as she processed it.

"What?" She said finally shaking her head slightly.

"Parker's happy and it just makes my skin feel all itchy," I explained as I scratched my arms. She smiled at me.

"Why can't he be happy?" She asked not getting the point.

"What if he's plotting against us?" I asked worried that maybe he was planning on pranking us. I looked around cautiously to see he was nowhere in sight.

"I don't think he'd do that." She said shrugging it off as we entered the classroom.

"Well, I think he would and I wouldn't put it past him if he got Colby involved too," I said quickly as I vented to Heather. She stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, what?" She asked confused.

"I'll explain later, but come on. You've got to be suspicious!" I said as we sat beside each other.

"No, I think it's fine that he's happy." She said grabbed her books from her bag.

Something about this doesn't seem right and I'll get to the bottom of it. Even if it kills me.

Note to self: Become DETECTIVE CARMEN!


Hey, guys. Once again huge thanks to all those who are allowing me to base characters off of them. I hope you aren't too annoyed at this chapter it's just setting up and will later be revealed. Though it's not hard to tell.

Thanks for reading, more to come.

-Girls Alias.

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