chapter 22

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Math passed by fast and I didn't even have time to open my book. The bell rang but before I could leave Mr Magness shouted out for me. I rolled over and he sat at his desk looking at me plainly.

"You were late." He started but I was too fed up already.

"Yeah, I was having some muscle pains and I needed all the guys to help me." I loosely explain.

"All 7 of them?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well- wait, 7?" I asked only thinking of 5.

"Yeah, Amelia and Jocelyn." He said in a tone which made it seem like I should have known. This is where my good lying skills come in!

"Oh, Yeah I forgot about Sam and Colby." I lied.

"Well, then. Why did you need them all?" He pushed and on the spot I created a web of lies.

"I was hanging out with Lucy before class and that's when I got a muscle cramp running through my entire right leg and I was having a panic attack so Lucy got Sam and Colby since they have experience with panic attacks but I was panicking so much from the pain that I felt I had to stretch it and fell on the floor and couldn't get back up so in a panic Mason and Jay came to help. They all got me to the girl's bathroom but since Lucy was the only one allowed in with me I got the guys to go back to class. Lucy wasn't helpful though because she was having a breakdown thinking I was going to die so I sent for Amelia and Jocelyn who helped me out but I was biting my lip to hold back from screaming from the pain and cut my lip. Lucy passed out at the sight of blood and the pain from my lips seemed to help my leg." I said sounding completely convincing.

"How much of that was real?" Sir asked knowing I said a lie in there somewhere probably not know the whole thing was a lie.

"Not enough," I said in a plain tone and plain expression. Sir simply laughed and waved me off. I left the room as sir continued to laugh.

I went over to Mason who was waiting for me in the hall. As soon as we made eye contact I did my best Grinch smile. I was like a child which knew a secret.

"What he say?" He asked thinking that's why I was grinning.

"A question which was responded with lies but that's not what I'm grinning about," I said slightly laughing. Mason simply looked at me confused. "I met Amelia." Mason's eyes widened as we started making our way to the lunch room.

"Isn't she perfect?" He said a hurry. He really is smitten. To give him the satisfaction of the draught I replied.

"I'm sure you'd make an adorable couple," I said smiling but completely agreeing with myself. They would be kinda cute. He was a lot taller than her and she'd be the perfect height for him. We made it to the table and I sat beside Colby and Jay looking around to observe everyone.

"Hey, Amelia, Jocelyn," I called over waving to them. They looked a little lost but wandered over to the table. "You guys need somewhere to sit? We don't bite... Most of us." I said with a smirk and they looked at each other as if they were telepathically having a conversation. They smiled and nodded their heads at me as they take a seat.

"Amelia, Jocelyn. This is Jay, Sam and Colby." I said gesturing to them one by one and they all shared a smile.

My thoughts were cut short by a loud bang close to the table. The sudden sound sent adrenaline through my veins and I couldn't help my instincts of standing up ready to fight.

"You asshole you did that on purpose!" Some strawberry blonde haired girl said standing up from her tumble.

"Oh, yeah prove it." Some Dark haired sarcastic prick said in defence.

"I'll show you what I can prove," she said through gritted teeth and began to storm towards him. I took notice of all the witnesses around her. I loudly whistled catching both of their attentions. The girl seemed to calm down as she wiped off the dust from her hoodie and simply flipped him off before turning to walk away.

"Hey, You can sit here if you'd like?" I asked as she was passing me. She looked at me with confused green eyes.

"I'm supposed to be practising for the track but thanks anyway." She said with a sincere smile.

"The offers always there," I said smiling widely at her as she smiled back at me and walked away. I hobbled over to the prick which made Jay extremely uneasy since I was supposed to be in a wheelchair. I grabbed the back of the empty chair beside him and spun it around so I could sit on the chair with my legs either side of the back. He looked at me confused.

"Look, You may think it's funny to bully people. you may think hilarious, but as long as I'm around there will be no bullying. Got it?" I asked in a threatening tone. He simply scoffed.

"What are you going to do? Hit me in the back of the ankles with your wheelchair?" He mustn't know who I am... Maybe I should teach him...

I suddenly grabbed a handful of his hair at the back of his head and slammed his face into the table and pulling him back up in the time that someone sneezed. Blood instantly began to trickle down his nose which looked visibly wonky. Everyone heard the slamming of his face on the table and all eyes were on me.

"If you'd like a lesson on what I'm capable of just ask Mason over there. He'll tell you all about it." I said in a slight whisper before going back to my original seat with the gang.

"Sorry about that," I said before dusting myself off and continuing on like nothing had happened. I noticed Mason coming back and took the seat next to Amelia not noticing it was her at first and jumped in his skin when they finally made eye contact. "You all know Mason," I said with the evillest smirk. I should be a matchmaker!!!!

Mason stumbled over himself.

"Carmen?" He asks and I simply looked up at him like I was an innocent kitten. "Why did you break Parker's nose?" He asked and my eyes suddenly harshened.

"Oh, so, that's his name," I said beginning my monologue. "I am to banish him off the face of the Earth if he continues to be an ass. He has a choice... How will he decide?" I asked completely talking to myself with a voice that was an octave lower than my usual voice which slightly freaked those out around me. Amelia and Jocelyn must think I'm insane. I glanced over at them seeing that they were completely fine with it. Maybe even agreeing. Okay, maybe they're new member material. If they can put up with my weirdness they can stay.

Note to self: Keep an eye on the possible new members and watch out for Parker!


Hey, guys. Once again huge thanks to @i_love_cats1593 and @joce_bae1 for the characters Amelia and Jocelyn. But I have also added another character. This character is based off @TheMistakeWeLove and we are yet to see her badass presence. Her name is Heather in case you were wondering and thanks for reading, more to come soon!

-Girls Alias.

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