Chapter 7

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All through the night i tossed and turned. I couldn't shake the fear of Sam and Colby getting hurt and the more i thought about it the more of a migraine i got. It was physically hurting me to think of them in pain. I've never felt this protective before. 

Why them? 

It doesn't make sense. I barely slept and when i did sleep i woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare of Sam and Colby bleeding out all alone. Each time i woke up crying. 

My alarm began to go off telling me to get ready for school. 

I moaned and turned off my alarm. I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and hastily stood up.That was the worst nights sleep i'd ever gotten. 

I zombie walked to my wardrobe and grabbed some dark blue washed jeans, a plain shirt and an over sized hoodie. No need to dress up... Ever!

I stumbled to the bathroom and got ready. I walked over to my school bag and made my way to school. I was quite early so i sat outside with my headphones in listening to music. In a complete world of my own as i thought about my nightmares and what i would and could do. 

Colby jumped out from behind me giving me a heart attack. My instincts told me to punch and i tried to stop but i couldn't help it and i only slowed my fist down. I accidentally punched him in the face sending Colby to the floor. I jumped to his side as he held his face in his hands. 

He wasn't crying. He was more shocked than anything. I have to admit i was panicking a little. 

It was a little ironic that i was worrying about him getting hurt and the next thing i'm punching him in the face... 

He began to laugh and i laughed with him. I lay down beside him on the floor as he lowered his hands. I took out one of my headphones and passed it to him. We lay there listening to AC/DC and panic! at the disco. I have a weird taste in music and i listen to every genre but today i was in a rock n' roll mood. 

The sun was blocked by a shade and Colby and i looked to see who was there. Sam stood looking down at us like we were crazy. We simply smiled at him and he lay beside us. I don't understand how they make me so happy. I was so stressed and afraid and now i'm completely calm and happy. How? 

The bell rang and we made our way to Music. On the way there i considered telling them i found them on the internet but i didn't want to just say it. I began planning in my head how i would hint to them that i know. As i began to think of a plan Colby noticed me smirking as we walked down the halls. 

Colby looked at me confused, wondering why i was smirking and laughing to myself. 

We made it to Music and i sat at the back of the class with Sam and Colby waiting for the teacher. We were having a nice conversation and Sam was telling us about how he panicked this morning thinking he was late till he saw the clock when Mason came storming in. Make-up was strongly visible on his face. I smirked to myself remembering what happened yesterday. 

Mason glared at me as he took his seat. Sam and Colby instantly looked down like they had done something wrong. It was encoded into there brains that when Mason walked in they'd shut down and try and make themselves as small as possible. 

It kills me inside. 

The teacher came in juggling box's of paper work. I felt bad for her. She stumbled in and dropped the box as she tripped on someone's bag. She was a very quiet teacher and everyone in the class laughed at her except me, Sam and Colby. I got up and walked over to her. I began helping her pick up her papers and she smiled at me. 

The class fell silent and everyone was confused. Sam and Colby got up and helped us pick the rest of the papers up. We all smiled at each other and exchanged thanking looks. Once we had collected all the papers we put them on the teachers table and went back to our seats. Everyone watched our every move. 

I smiled as i knew Sam and Colby trusted me as they went against their coding to help. We continued with the lesson and Mrs was really nice. She came over after setting everyone the work. 

She nicely introduced herself and said thank you for helping. My good deed of the day. Check! 

Her name was Mrs Andrews and she had long brown hair which she hid in a messy bun. As she talked to the class i started thinking about how beautiful she'd be if she'd put her hair down and put a little make-up on. I never usually do this... Wait, why am i doing it now?

The bell rang and i had no idea what had happened in the lesson. I was in a complete world of my own. I packed out all my things and began to walk out the classroom. Playfully Colby nudged me as we walked and i nudged him back. We all laughed and started running and pushing each other as we made our way to art. I don't know why i'm so happy. 

I've only just met Sam and Colby yet i feel so safe which i never do and although there is a constant threat of someone hurting them i think they feel safe as well. 

I like it and i would die for it over and over just to know them...

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