Chapter 18

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Once I was done I wheeled out to the front door to wait for Mason. He came running out. We shouted our goodbyes and Mason pushed my wheelchair to the lift. I pressed the button and there was an awkward silence as we waited for the lift to come.

"Are you scared?" Mason asked starting the conversation.

"No. I don't care what people think of me." I said plainly as the lift got to our level and Mason pushed me inside.

"What are you going to do about Lucy?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing. She doesn't deserve my time anymore." I replied with my head held high but I just wanted to stay in bed. My depression and anxiety were only getting worse. Mason pushed me the whole way to school and I felt so useless. I'm not comfortable with people fussing over me so being in a wheelchair is my worst nightmare. Hopefully, through physical therapy, I'll be able to walk again.

We made it to school and instantly all eyes were on me and Mason. Partly because I was in a wheelchair and everyone knew what had happened but also because Mason was with me as we were sworn enemies when I first got here. No one knew that he was now living with me and my sister so he could escape from his family. He seems to be a lot happier now that he's out of there. Mason and I have really gotten close recently and he's an amazing best friend. It makes me questioned what would have happened if I didn't find out about Lisa. Well, I wouldn't be here that's for sure.

I had science which I wasn't too excited for since it meant Mason wasn't in my lesson but Colby was. I don't see why I could wait till next Monday instead of oddly a Thursday. Oh well. I'm here now.

Mason took me as far as he could till he had to go to his lesson. I pushed myself the rest of the way and was 5 minutes early. I sat in my wheelchair waiting outside the door when through the glass Mr Green spotted me. He walked over and opened the door and gestured for me to come in.

"Hey. I didn't know you were in a wheelchair?" He said in a joyful but questioning tone. I nodded with an awkward smile. "I heard what happened. How are you?" He asked genuinely.

"Well, I can't walk, I'm severely depressed and I tried to kill myself but other than that... I'm fine." I confessed and although all the facts were true I said it in a playful tone and I could tell Mr Green knew I was telling the truth.

We talked for a while till the bell rang and sir pushed me to my usual seat which unfortunately was beside Colby who was due to come in soon. I was dreading it. My throat was all dry and my stomach was churning but I held my head up strong. I was looking around in my bag and pulled out my science book. I put my bag back and when I looked over at the door Colby was just walking away.

I can't do this! I can't do this! I put just about to leave when Sir called upon Colby.

"Mr Brock," Sir said firmly and gestured for him to approach him. Colby walked over to him. "For the rest of the term, you'll be switching seats with Jay." He demanded in a powerful voice. I smiled knowing he was protecting me. Jay looked up at the other side of the room once he heard his name. Jay is a quiet guy who's on the football team but he's not the type to "Play the field" If you know I mean... (He's okay with having a relationship and doesn't cheat.) Jay looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and he grabbed his books before walking over. He smiled at me again as he sat down. He didn't even look at my wheelchair which I liked. He was treating me like an equal.

The lesson started and we had to do some written work but we were allowed to talk.

"Do you know any of this?" Jay asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, To get the Energy transfer you just have to times the mass and temperature change as well as the specific heat capacity," I explained keeping it simple for him. Together we went through some of the questions and although I had never talked to him before he was really nice and we were getting on really well.

Note to self: It's okay to need help, it doesn't make me useless.

(Sorry it's taken so long again I'm just struggling to stay organised but I'm working on it. P.s. Thanks for waiting if you have been...)

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