Chapter 3

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Mason sat down at an empty seat. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. 

"Settle down, settle down." The teacher requested but I was laughing too hard. Tears rolled down my face and my stomach physically hurt from laughing so much. Beside me, Colby was laughing like crazy as well and fell off his seat. Now I was laughing at Mason and Colby as he lay on the floor laughing at Mason and himself. 

"Carmen, Colby. Get out!" The teacher shouted as we continued to laugh. We tried to compose ourselves, our faces went red from holding back the laughter. We grabbed our things and I walked up to the teacher and handed her the note I showed the music teacher and she nodded to me with a serious face before I turned to walk out. Mason smirked evilly at me like he knew something. 

"Oh Mason, the zoo just called and they were wondering if they could hire you to replace a sick panda!" I shouted before walking out of the classroom laughing my ass off. Colby followed me. As soon as we got out we collapsed on the floor laughing. 

After 20 minutes of us laughing hysterically and making panda jokes we calmed down. 

"I didn't know you hit him that hard," Colby said as he help me up off the floor. 

"I didn't mean to I was just frantic I couldn't help myself," I explained and started walking down one of the school halls. 

"Hey, you wanna sit on one of the fields?" I asked and Colby looked at me and sighed. 

"We have to get back to English." I smiled at him brightly confusing him.

"No, we don't, we have a pass," I explain and now Colby's smiling and his smile is so amazing. He's so cute. How could anyone bully him? 

"Then what are we waiting for?" He asked joyfully, he was so happy. He's adorable! 

We walked to the school field and sat down. People were playing PE on the other side of the field but they were pretty far away. 

"Okay, Let's play 20 questions," Colby said and I couldn't help but smile. Why am I smiling so much? 

"Okay, you go first," I said not wanting to instantly make it weird which I always do. 

"Okay... Do you have any siblings?" He asked and he looked interested. 

"Yes but they've all moved away." 

"Where to?" 

"One is in Australia and the other is in London." Eventually, we stopped with the twenty questions and just asked each other things and chatted. I took a drink of water and Colby thought this was the best time to ask another question.

"Are you single?" He asked calmly. I was so shocked. It was so out of the blue, we were just talking about animals then he asked me that?... I choked on my water but composed myself. 

"Yes, I'm single. What about you?" I replied awkwardly. 

"Yeah, but I have my eye on someone..." He said looking deeply into my eyes smiling. Does he mean me? He couldn't mean me... Could he? Does he like me? We only just met! He doesn't mean me... Do I want him to mean me? I don't even know... Play along with it.

"Oh yeah? What's she like?" I questioned and my voice almost cracked. I was nervous and I don't know why...I kind of wanted him to like me but I didn't at the same time! What am I doing?! 

"She's pretty, perfect, hilarious. We have the same sense of humour. She does this thing and it's adorable when I'm upset she says inspiration quotes to me and she's called Carmen." He replied with an amazing smile on his face. OH, GOD!

"What a coincidence," I said jokingly. I didn't know what to say. Do I like him? I mean I only met him three hours ago. I don't know if I like him but I want to. 

"That's weird." He said in a slight laugh. He was looking deeply into my eyes again. His eyes are amazing I just want to sit here forever and stare into them... WHAT AM I DOING?! Stop it. I can't help it. 

Slowly Colby started to lean in and he was about to kiss me. Do or die time! I leaned in the rest of the way and our lips met. I had a whooshing feeling in the pit of my stomach like when you drive over a small bridge fast. I could help but beg for more. Our lips moved in sync and we were fully making out. I've never felt like this before. The bell rang but we didn't want to stop but we knew we had to. We both pulled away slowly and I felt like I was in some other world. Somewhere I've never been. I feel like I've been blind forever and now I see. 

Colby surveyed my eyes and I surveyed his. People started walking out of the school doors. I smiled at Colby and he smiled back. We got up and grabbed our things. We walked into the school and to the dining hall. We were walking close our shoulders kept brushing past each other and we couldn't stop smiling. We noticed Sam sitting by himself on a table and he had his face as low as it would go. I and Colby looked at each other confused. 

We sat at the table and I was about to get out my lunch when I noticed. 

"Sam who did that?" I said referring to his busted lip and bruise on his cheek. A tear escaped his eye. 

"Sam who did it!" I now shouted and a load of people looked at me in the hall. 

"I'm not going to sit by and let this happen." I got up and stormed off Colby followed me but I ran off and he couldn't keep up with me. I walked out of the school and found Mason and his group of guys gathered around someone. I speed walked to Mason and his wolf pack and pushed him to the ground. 

"You mess with my friends you mess with me!" I screamed I was so angry. 

A couple of his guys grabbed me and I tried to struggle out of their grasp but they held me back. 

"You talking about Sam's lip? I'm just getting started honey, Colby's next!" My anger rose and the beast I was holding back broke out and I had no control... 

Note to self: kick his ass

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