Chapter 20

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I was smiling like crazy. Maybe life will be okay after all... I went back to class and everyone's eyes were on me. Sympathetic looks on everyone's face. All except Lucy. Even Sam and Colby looked guilty and refused to make eye contact with me. I got back to Jay and Mason who were confused and asked about it. I was about to reply when the bell rang and everyone started shuffling out the room. We all packed away as I explained the conversation to the guys.

"That's awesome," Mason stated with a smile.

"So, do you guys mind if I stay with you or...?" Jay questioned obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"Of course. You're one of us now... One of the weirdo's." I replied laughing and we went down the hall. We sat in one of the empty hallways simply talking and lounging around.

"So then he jumps over the chair and runs straight into a wall." Jay finished as he struggled to speak through his laughter. Mason and I laughed with him.

"Hilarious." A familiar voice which haunted my dreams stated plainly.

"What do you want?" I said bitterly turning to look at Lucy who smugly stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate you on failing at everything... Even killing yourself." She said smiling. Mason lunged at her but I gestured for Jay to stop him. This simply made Lucy smile. She was getting to him and that's what she wanted. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and walked away. I rammed my wheelchair into the back of her legs causing her to fall to the floor face first. Blood instantly spewed from her nose and looked crooked as she looked up at me with utter terror in her eyes.

"You know who would win this fight. Wheelchair or not I can still hurt you." I said intimidatingly. Her bottom lip quivered as she feared to cry in front of me showing me how scared she was. "Now, run along. You have more people to lie to." I waved her off and she got up and ran. I looked back at Mason and Jay who simply seemed impressed.

"I have wasted too long pitying myself," I said with a harsh face annoyed that I had ever cried over this whole situation.

I made my way to my next lesson which I shared with Jay but not Mason and I was simply doodling and not paying attention until finally, it hit me. I don't have to compete against her... I have to have her compete against herself.

With realisation, I evilly smirked and turned to Jay which slightly frightened him.

"You look like the Grinch." He started with an uneasy smile.

"I am the Grinch," I said with a smug smile. I started planning the mission. Jay was watching me write away and doodle the plan. He soon started adding to it and improving it with me. Once we were done we looked down at it impressed. Before the bell rang Jay and I started packing away and just as we left the classroom in a hurry the bell rang. We hurried to Mason and he was started at the speed we were racing towards him. Without saying anything we hurried him to the back of the school where no one was standing.

We explained everything in so much detail that Mason had no questions.

"Ready?" I asked and they both nodded. I rolled away to my first station. The bell rang and I threw my bag onto the floor. Not many people use this hall because it kind of smells but I knew Lucy used it as a shortcut. She walked around the corner as I pretended to struggle and pick up my bag. She smirked and walked up to me.

"Aw, and there was me thinking you were serious before. And to answer your question before I would win this war. Wheelchair or not." She stared at me smugly. I looked down at my watch.

"Are you going to grab my bag or not?" I asked bitterly. She bent down and grabbed my bag but instead of handing it to me she basically threw it on my lap. I winced at the fake pain. I barely felt it in reality.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked as she was about to walk away. She came back because her ego was too bit to let it go.

"Because you were competition but now your horse with a broken leg. I'm winning this race." She gladly replied.

"And what do you get for winning?" I asked looking at my watch knowing Mason and Jay would be in their second position.

"I win Sam and Colby, I win power, I win popularity. I win everything you lost." She said leaning over me trying to me feel belittled. She really isn't intimidating.

"I don't know if you've noticed but winning Sam and Colby won't win you popularity or power all it wins you is pity rep. You know because they're only popular in their minds. In case you've forgotten, they were being bullied by my now best friend. The whole school has made fun of them. Congrats you've won two guys to boss around but last time I checked you were sitting at the loser table." I retorted. This angered her.

"Listen here you bitch! I am more popular than you and any table I sit at is the popular table!" She screamed in my face.

"No, you listen, You honestly think you're more popular than me? Well, when was the last time everyone was asking you if you were okay? When was the last time someone you have never talked to started a conversation with you? When was the last time you were needed? What is your deal with being popular?" I shouted back angering her some more.

"You don't deserve it! I do!!!! I deserve to be feared!" She screamed back snapping. I simply evilly smirked at her. She was finished...

Sam and Colby stepped out from around the corner with Mason and Jay behind them. Sam and Colby looked bitter while Jay and Mason high-fived each other. Lucy was utterly shocked and didn't know what to do. Jay smugly smiled at her and waved his phone in the air which was replaying her screaming about her winning. She looked crazy.

"Checkmate," I said before turning away to the guys smirking like crazy.

Note to self: Planned missions are more fun!

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