Chapter 14

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The bell rang for the end of Dinner and I jumped up to my feet and held out my hand to help Mason up without hesitation he took my hand and I pulled him to his feet. We both had art so we walked together.

"Are you any good at art?" Mason questioned as we walked down the halls towards our lesson.

"I'm okay I guess," I said shrugging. "What about you?"

"I'm alright." He replied also shrugging. We both let out a slight laugh and entered the classroom just as the bell rang. I looked to see Colby, Lucy, and Sam sitting together at the back of the class with a chair beside Sam and so did Mason because as soon as he saw it his face dropped. He walked over and sat in his usual seat. I walked behind him and sat in the seat beside his.

"What? You didn't think I'd abandon you like that did you?" I questioned in a joking tone making Mason smile again.

"Right class, today I'd like you all to get your sketchbooks out and start drawing-" The teacher started but stopped once she noticed me sitting at the front. "Carmen, I thought you hated Mason? I heard about the fights why are you sitting together?" She asked curiously.

"We miss understood each other before," I replied vaguely. She looked at me confused before continuing with the lesson.

Mason got out his sketch book and flicked through to find an empty page. He had such surprising art pieces. Every art piece he did was soft and fragile yet mine were harsh and scratchy. He opened a page which had half a drawing on it which was done in watercolours but it was split in half. He began to lightly start shading with tiny little marks. If I had to do that I would probably shoot myself. It was taking a long time to get one small part done.

"I thought you said you were alright at art?" I questioned in a tone which told he was better than alright.

"Well, what about you, you said you were okay? Your works amazing!" He spat back but I was so confused.

"What? Your works fragile and amazing." I said gesturing to his sketch book.

"Yeah and yours is bold and magnificent." He said now gesturing to my book. There was a little silence before we both burst out with laughter. I don't know why we found it so funny we just did.

Once we'd calmed down we were both sketching in our books. I was using a ballpoint pen and was drawing a sinister girl with her fringe covering one eye and a scar on the other with harsh and dark lines whereas Mason was delicate as he sketched and shaded the drawing of a dove with its wings open ready to fly away. I was completely in a world of my own when Lucy stood looming over my table looking down at my work. She had such a bitter look on her face like she'd sucked a lemon. Oh, how I wanted to punch it!!!....!!!...

"Oh, look. If it isn't the freaks sitting together." She said in a pouting tone like a child.

"Back off Lucy. This table between us won't stop me from ripping your throat out." I replied in a plain tone trying not to get angry because I had no idea who would actually win in the fight between us but I wasn't afraid to find out.

"It's a shame really. I thought you'd be smart enough to realise that my good girl act was, an act." She added before turning her head to the side a little and humming a little like she was questioning something.

"Look, I'm a perilious person. Don't get on my bad side or so help I'll kill." I said in the same plain tone. She looked at me like she was frozen.

"I don't think she knows what perilious means," Mason said in a slight whisper. I studied her face a little and realise he was right.

"Okay, let me dumb this down," I said before preparing myself. "Me, dangerous, Kill, you," I said in a cave man voice. Mason laughed beside me and I laughed along with him.

"Yeah well you probably don't know what Esemplastic means." She said smugly like she'd won some big argument.

"Esemplastic: having the ability to shape diverse elements or concepts into a unified whole: the esemplastic power of a great mind to simplify the difficult." I retorted with a smug smile on my face. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Why don't you go away and get a dictionary or google a big word and come back to me on it," I added. She huffed and me and walked off. Mason and I broke out laughing and knuckle punched each other because it just felt like something to do without even questioning it. After a while, we continued with our work and I could feel Lucy's eyes burning into the back of my head. I smirked knowing I had rattled her cage. The bell was about to ring and Mrs had called Mason up to her desk to talk about something. I stood up to start packing away when Sam and Colby walked over to me with horrified and angry looks on their faces.

"Hey, guys what's-" I started but they didn't let me finish.

"How could you do that to Lucy?! She's supposed to be your friend and now your sitting with Mason and showing her up because she's not at good at English as you." Sam said in an aggressive tone which he had never done before.

"I wished we hadn't kissed that time on the field it was the worst mistake of my life," Colby said which really got to me and was the last straw.

"You want to make mistakes then go back to Lucy but don't for one second think I'll be waiting with open arms when you see how much of a bitch she really is!" I shouted almost at the top of my lungs. I was furious, to say the least.

Mason ran over and stood behind me and grabbed my arm to calm me down and stop me from swinging at them because he knew if I ever hurt one of them I wouldn't be able to live with myself. They simply glared at me before walking away. I wanted to cry and scream at the same time but refrained from making myself look like a prat.

Note to self: Open Sam and Colby's eyes to the truth! 

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