Happy Birthday

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First of all thanks for supporting my book. I appreciate it! Don't be a silent reader I know you're reading 👀lol
Anyway I hope you enjoy!

In the media is my baby daddy Odell lol


The men suddenly stopped laughing and talking to look towards us.

"Aye Jarvis, who are these fine young women you brought with you?"

A fine brown skin man spoke looking at us like a piece of steak.

He was cute and all but he made me uncomfortable, but that happens all the time with any man who looks at me.

I have always been self conscious of my dark skin tone. I was even bullied at one point in time over how much darker I was than the other light skin or mixed girls.

I was called many cruel and degrading names until I decided to actually stand up for myself.

It actually happened 2 weeks before Angel moved to my hometown.

I remember this bully named Shasti walked up to the table I was sitting at during lunch and bothered me.

She was screaming in my face, saying that she and her friends wanted to sit there, but I never responded to her ignorance.

I guess she got annoyed with me not answering so she pushed me out of the seat causing me to fall hard on the cold, disgusting floor while everyone laughed.

I was so hurt and embarrassed that it caused me to snap.

I calmly stood up from the floor and faced her as she kept laughing.

I grabbed my Gatorade and threw it in her face. She gasped in shock but that was short lived because next thing you know, I swung my fist catching her dead in her eye.

I don't know what happened after that I just know I was suspended for a week with a broken hand from punching her so hard. (A/N: this is based off of my real first fight lol I beat her ass)😂

After that day no one called me "Blackie" or "Burned Toast" in fear that they will get their ass whooped.

I learned to appreciate my beautiful chocolate skin because it's the only skin that I have.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Aiko shook me slightly.

I realized that Jarvis had introduced us to his friends.

"And this is the birthday girl Lotus but you can call her Lolo."

Simultaneously everyone said happy birthday to me except a few who weren't paying attention or just didn't care.

I smiled a little while waving slightly to everyone.

Jarvis escorted us to the couch while calling the waitress to get us drinks.

Angel and Aiko excused themselves to go to the ladies room while Skye got up from the couch to dance with some guy.

I sat alone on the couch while going through my Instagram and Snapchat when I felt eyes burning through me.

I looked around to find Jarvis sitting with three other guys at a table.

Jarvis being his goofy self made a funny face at me causing me to giggle a bit.

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