Netflix and Chill

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I hope you are not too much upset with me for not updating but life just happens sometimes.

Be blessed🙏🏾



I laid in my bed just thinking about how hard I work for my team to at least be in the Playoffs and it seems as no one else cares about how much we lost.

I put 120% of my heart and soul into every game but it seems as if it's for nothing at all.

Even if I acted like a jackass in the game against Carolina, that punk had it coming though.

That Norman kid or whatever kept talking shit prior to the game.

He had really rubbed me the wrong way when he called me overrated.

I was nowhere near overrated.

I don't like to be conceited but I'm one of the best recievers in the league.

I know I'm not the best but I'm damn near close to it, and I strive every game to prove I'm going to be the greatest.

So, when some random ass dude started getting slick at the mouth, I had to shut him up.

But, I ended up acting a fool, letting my temper get the best of me, and suspended for one game.

People have to sometimes understand from my point of view too though.

What if you are one of the best players on your team and the opposing team sends maybe five or six players at a time to tackle you and the referees doesn't say shit.

You would be pissed off too.

You can't imagine 200 to 300 pound players coming at you crazy.

So, after losing the game I didn't speak to anyone especially my parents.

I knew if I answered their calls they would just tell me how disappointed they were of how I acted.

My friends called and texted me non stop, but I only texted them back once to let them know that I'm fine.

I was in my feelings for a while so I didn't want anyone to see me like that.

For next few days after that game I laid around the house with Tzar and Dre sulking.

I was just about to fall asleep while watching ESPN when I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house.

I tried to just ignore it and turned over to take my nap but the person continued to ring the doorbell repeatedly.

I finally got up and dragged my feet slowly down the stairs with my boys running ahead of me.

When I reached the door I looked through the security camera and saw who was standing there as my dogs barked in excitement, letting me know that they could sense who's behind the door.

Opened it and the boys went crazy when they heard her voice.

I smiled as I stood at the door and watched the boys jump on her and give her doggy kisses as she laughed her sweet laugh.

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